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Orlando Rideshare Accident Attorney

The city of Orlando has a special place in our hearts and history. This is where the first-ever Morgan and Morgan office was opened in 1988. Since then, we've grown to become the nation's largest and most powerful injury firm, served over 500,000 families from coast to coast, and recovered north of $20 billion in settlements and verdicts. If you or a loved one has been involved in a rideshare accident and suffered serious injuries, contact us today. An Orlando rideshare accident lawyer from our team of over 1,000 attorneys might be able to help.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Is Ridesharing?

    Ridesharing, or ride-hailing, is a service provided by companies like Uber and Lyft. It involves the use of mobile apps to connect passengers with private drivers who use their personal vehicles for transit services. While this system offers a flexible and often cost-effective alternative to traditional taxis and public transport, various studies have shown that it's also prone to accidents, some of which are fatal.

    Common Causes of Rideshare Accidents

    These accidents usually occur due to different factors, with negligence at the top. Common causes of rideshare accidents include but are not limited to:

    • Distracted driving, as drivers often use their phones for navigation and to accept ride requests. Fatigue from long hours on the road.
    • Speeding to complete more rides within a limited time.
    • Varying levels of experience among rideshare drivers
    • Neglecting proper vehicle maintenance can lead to mechanical failures, increasing the risk of accidents.

    Who To File a Claim With

    Determining who to file a claim with after a rideshare accident in Orlando depends on several factors. Let's explore different scenarios below:

    • If the rideshare driver is logged into the app and engaged in a ride or en route to pick up a passenger, you may be able to file a claim with the rideshare company's insurance.
    • If the driver was not active on the app, their personal auto insurance becomes the primary source for claims (if you're suffered serious injuries) .
    • Other parties, such as government agencies, construction companies, or even vehicle parts manufacturers, may also be liable if their negligence contributed to the accident.

    Keep in mind that under Florida's no-fault insurance law, injured parties usually first turn to their own personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, regardless of who is at fault. If their injuries meet the serious injury threshold, they can file a claim with the other party's insurance carrier.

    Recoverable Damages in Ridesharing Claims

    Since Florida is a no-fault state, your initial compensation for a rideshare accident typically comes through your own PIP insurance. This coverage can help with immediate medical expenses and a portion of lost wages due to injuries.

    However, in cases of severe injuries that exceed the PIP coverage limits, you may seek additional compensation. This can include extensive medical costs for both immediate and long-term care, full compensation for lost wages, and damages for pain and suffering, property damage, transportation costs to medical appointments, among others.

    Get a Free Case Evaluation

    The topic of rideshare accidents is quite complex. You shouldn't try to figure everything out all alone. Instead, contact Morgan and Morgan today; we will review your case for free.

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