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Bus Accident Attorney in Fort Myers

According to research, more than 15,000 bus accidents occur in the United States annually, with 47% resulting in injury. Given a bus's sheer size and weight, it is no surprise that these injuries are often quite serious. In addition to a long road to recovery, bus accident victims need to juggle the legal complexities of seeking compensation for their injuries.

When someone is injured in a bus wreck, whether as a passenger or while sharing the road, their best option moving forward is to seek legal counsel.

A Fort Myers bus accident lawyer from the Morgan & Morgan team can help you navigate the claims process, collect and preserve crucial evidence, negotiate a settlement, or bring a lawsuit if necessary.


Morgan & Morgan

    Available Compensation in a Fort Meyers Bus Accident

    The injuries you sustain following a bus accident can cause immediate and long-lasting injuries. Florida bus accident victims are often left with mounting healthcare costs, traumatic pain and suffering, and lost wages. In the most severe cases, the injuries might be catastrophic and life-altering, affecting the accident victim's ability to earn a living or simply enjoy life. In some cases, a bus accident can result in death.

    A Fort Myers bus accident lawyer can help you secure compensation for the following:

    • medical costs
    • lost wages (current and future)
    • scarring
    • disfigurement
    • physical and emotional pain and suffering
    • diminished quality of life
    • home and vehicle modifications due to your injuries
    • long-term care expenses
    • property damage or loss
    •  loss of consortium

    The statute of limitations on bus accident claims in Florida depends on the circumstances of the case. Usually, there is a four-year window from the accident date to file a claim. However, when a public bus is involved, the window shrinks to three years. Your attorney can ensure that your claim is filed in accordance with Florida’s statute of limitations.

    Morgan & Morgan: On Your Side

    A Fort Myers bus accident lawyer from Morgan & Morgan will help you navigate Florida’s complex personal injury laws and fight for your right to compensation following a bus injury accident. We have secured $20 billion in compensation for accident victims like you from across the United States.

    Whether you were a passenger, a pedestrian, or a motorist injured in a bus crash, our team will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome in your bus accident claim.

    Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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