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Fort Myers Building Collapse

Welcome to Fort Myers, where the sun is always shining and the beaches are breathtaking - but watch your step. While a building collapse in Fort Myers likely isn't the most pressing thing on your mind, the reality is that these accidents can happen at any time.

It's a scary thought, to think about walls crumbling down around you, but luckily, there are ways to mitigate this risk and make sure we stay safe.

One of the most important things you can do to safeguard your future? Know more about how the law works—and have a skilled building collapse lawyer on your side. That's where Morgan & Morgan comes in.


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    What Makes Buildings Collapse - and Who is at Fault?

    First things first - let's talk about why buildings collapse in the first place. 

    The quick answer is that there isn't just one reason, but instead, it tends to be a combination of reasons. These might include structural deficiencies, poor construction, natural disasters, and even arson. 

    However, one thing is for sure: it's usually not just one person's fault. Instead, it's typically the result of a combination of factors, from the architects and engineers who designed the building, to the contractors who built it, to the city officials who signed off on its safety.

    That's why it's important for everyone to take responsibility for building safety at every step of the process. 

    Architects and engineers need to be diligent in their designs, making sure that they account for all potential hazards. Contractors need to use high-quality materials and follow proper safety protocols. And city officials need to rigorously inspect buildings before granting permits and approving construction.

    At the end of the day, it takes a village to keep our buildings safe.

    What Are the Most Common Injuries Related to Building Collapse?

    If you're unlucky enough to be caught in a building collapse, the injuries you can sustain are truly frightening. Some of the most common ones include:

    • Crush injuries: These occur when a part of your body gets trapped under rubble, leading to broken bones, damage to muscles and organs, and even amputations.
    • Traumatic brain injuries: These can occur if you're hit on the head by falling debris, leading to concussions, contusions, and even permanent brain damage.
    • Spinal cord injuries: These can result from being crushed or hit by debris, leading to lifelong paralysis.
    • Burns: If a fire is involved in the collapse, you could suffer severe burns, which can lead to scarring, infections, and even death.

    Emotional trauma: Even if you're physically unharmed in a building collapse, you could suffer from anxiety, depression, and PTSD as a result of the traumatic event.

    Suffered a Building Collapse in Fort Myers? Call Morgan & Morgan

    Don't let a building collapse leave you in the rubble. Trust the nationwide team with $20 billion in winnings, 1,000 lawyers licensed in all 50 states, 35 years of experience, and enough five-star Google reviews to make even the toughest critic swoon. 

    Morgan & Morgan has what it takes to fight for your rights and help you rebuild, so don't settle for less. Give us a  call today and let us show you why we're the best in the business. When it comes to your future, we don't mess around.

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