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Tampa The Harsh Realities of a Building Collapse

You never know what might happen when you step into a building. Unfortunately, building collapses can occur even in stable-looking structures. If you or a loved one have been affected by a building collapse in Tampa, Morgan & Morgan is here to help. 

Our skilled attorneys know what it takes to win cases, and we'll work with you to help you recover the compensation you deserve from your accident. You don't have to go it alone. Here's how Morgan & Morgan can help.


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    What Are the Most Common Causes of Building Collapses?

    When a building collapses, it's a chaotic scene. People are trapped under rubble, the emergency responders rush in, and the injured are whisked off to hospitals. But what happens after the dust settles? That's when the work starts for lawyers like us at Morgan & Morgan.

    One of the first things we investigate is the cause of the building collapse. As is the case with just about any kind of accident that leads to personal injury, this isn't always easy to determine. 

    The most common causes are faulty design, poor construction, and lack of maintenance. These issues can lead to structural problems that ultimately result in a collapse.

    Injuries We See After Building Collapse Incidents

    The types of injuries that can occur after a building collapse range from broken bones and lacerations to spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries. 

    Depending on the severity of the collapse, victims may also experience psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

    One common injury that occurs in building collapse incidents is crush injuries. These injuries happen when a part of the body, like a limb, becomes trapped under heavy debris. This can cause serious damage to the soft tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. 

    Another common injury is head and brain trauma. During a building collapse, objects can fall from above, hitting victims on the head. This can result in concussions, brain bleeding, and brain swelling.

    But perhaps one of the most devastating injuries we see after a building collapse is spinal cord damage. This type of injury can cause paralysis, loss of sensation, and even death.

    Why You Need a Lawyer After a Building Collapse in Tampa

    At Morgan & Morgan, we've helped over 500,000 families across the nation get justice for their injuries. Our experienced attorneys know how to navigate the legal system and to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. We'll fight for your rights and hold those responsible accountable for their negligence.

    At the end of the day, it's not just about the money. It's about sending a message that these types of incidents are unacceptable, and that steps need to be taken to prevent them in the future. We're proud to have won over $20 billion for our clients and have a team of over 1,000 lawyers nationwide. 
    We're here to listen to your story and fight for your rights: you don't go through this alone. Contact Morgan & Morgan today, and we'll help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

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