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Orlando Personal Injury Lawyer near me

After a personal injury in Orlando, especially if caused by someone else's actions or inactions, seeking the assistance of an experienced lawyer is crucial. That's the best way to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation. And if you're asking yourself: how do I find an Orlando personal injury lawyer near me? Morgan & Morgan, America's largest injury firm, is the answer. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.


Morgan & Morgan

    How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

    The right attorney will handle all the complexities of a personal injury claim as you focus on recovering from your injuries and losses. You can expect this attorney to assess the details of your case to establish viability and liability, gather relevant evidence, and evaluate the extent of your damages to determine how much compensation you're entitled to. Next, they'll file a claim and negotiate with insurance companies and other parties on your behalf. If the at-fault party plays hardball, the attorney will take the case to court.

    Is There a Deadline for Hiring a Lawyer in Orlando?

    Yes, and it does not apply only to Orlando; it applies to the entire state of Florida. This deadline, also known as the statute of limitations in legalese, is typically four years from the date of the injury. Make sure you don't miss it because that could mean losing your right to sue.

    What Personal Injury Cases Can Morgan and Morgan Handle?

    We handle all kinds of injury cases under the sun. Whether you've been injured in a car accident, slip and fall, workplace incident, medical malpractice, or any other type of accident caused by someone else's negligence or recklessness, our personal injury lawyers can provide the legal representation you need.

    How Much Will It Cost To Hire Morgan and Morgan To Handle My Case?

    One of the advantages of working with Morgan & Morgan is we operate on a contingency payment system. That's the legalese way of saying you don't have to worry about upfront legal fees. Instead, we only get paid if we recover compensation for you.  

    Can I Negotiate With Insurance Companies Without a Lawyer?

    You can, but it is not advisable. Insurance companies are experienced in handling all types of claims and are always prepared to fight back and protect their own interests, not yours, no matter how injured you are. If you don't have an attorney, they'll try to have you settle for less than you deserve. Having a personal injury lawyer by your side significantly strengthens your position during negotiations because the other party knows they can't play around with your claim, and if they do, they'll pay a heavy price. 

    Let a Morgan and Morgan Personal Injury Lawyer Handle Your Case

    You don't need to search for a personal injury lawyer near you, and that's because if you're reading this, you've come to the right place. We've helped more than 500,000 clients recover over $20 billion since 1988. We might be next in line for compensation. Contact us now to learn more. 

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