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Orlando Building Collapse

It's hard to imagine a more harrowing experience than being inside a building as it collapses to the ground around you. Unfortunately, the fear of a building collapse in Orlando is a reality that too many people in Florida have faced in recent years. 

In 2021, 98 people died in the Champlain Towers South condo building in Surfside, Florida. In this particular event, it was construction flaws that led to the building collapse. Unfortunately, it often remains true that it's human error to blame for these sorts of catastrophic events. 

Building collapses are tragic events that can result in devastating injuries, leave people without homes or businesses, and shatter lives in an instant. 

That's why it's so important to have experienced attorneys on your side if you or a loved one has been affected by a building collapse in Orlando. Here's what you need to know.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Causes a Building Collapse?

    There are several different contributing aspects to an eventual building collapse, and these include inadequate design, subpar quality materials, incompetent construction, or natural calamities. 

    Inadequate design could mean insufficient structural support and flimsy foundations. On the other hand, a lack of supervision and enforcing guidelines, as well as arcane or outdated building codes, could result in faulty construction work and shoddy materials. 

    In Orlando, where most buildings are built on and around waterways, it's especially important to make sure that structures can withstand natural calamities such as hurricanes and floods. Sadly, this doesn't always happen.

    What Are Some Common Types of Injuries Caused By Building Collapse?

    The aftermath of a building collapse can be devastating to individuals, families, and communities. Injuries can be caused by the initial impact or by the aftermath, like falling debris.

    The most common injuries sustained from a building collapse range from cuts and abrasions to broken bones, punctured lungs, and traumatic brain injury. 

    When a structure collapses, it's not uncommon to get trapped underneath the rubble, which can dramatically increase the likelihood of life-changing injuries. 

    Head injuries, for instance, can be fatal if not treated right away. It's also not uncommon to see cases where survivors of collapses suffer from severe injuries such as spinal cord injuries, amputations, and burns.

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan to Be Your Attorney in Orlando

    In a city as vibrant and growing as Orlando, it's important to make sure that our buildings are safe and reliable. Unfortunately, building collapses can and do still happen, and the consequences can be devastating.

    At Morgan & Morgan, we have a team of experienced attorneys who can help you stay grounded when faced with a building collapse. Our firm has been fighting for the rights of individuals and families for 35 years. In that time, we have won more than $20 billion nationwide, helping over 500,000 families across the country.

    Don't wait until it's too late. If you or a loved one has been affected by a building collapse in Orlando, reach out to Morgan & Morgan. We offer a free case evaluation and are ready to help you every step of the way.

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