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Truck Accident Attorney in Lakeland

Lakeland, a city nestled between Orlando and Tampa, may not be notorious for its traffic, unlike other big cities in Florida, but Polk County still experiences its fair share of motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents aren't limited to just minor fender-benders. Truck accidents, in particular, can have devastating consequences for those involved.
If you or a loved one is a victim of a truck accident in this part of Florida, it’s important that you take legal action. That said, the kind of legal representation you obtain could make or break your case.
At Morgan and Morgan, we’ve been fighting for the rights of injured individuals just like you, helping them obtain the compensation they need and deserve after truck accidents. Thanks to our army of more than 1,000 attorneys, including those who specialize exclusively in truck accident cases, we’ve been able to recover more than $20 billion as compensation for at least 500,000 clients all over the country.
If you or a loved one has been injured in such an accident, get your free case evaluation today. An experienced Lakeland truck accident lawyer from our team might be able to fight for your right to compensation.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Are Some Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

    In Lakeland, some of the most common causes of truck accidents include but are not limited to driver fatigue, speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving, inadequate training, overloaded trucks, and mechanical failures. Other accidents may be caused by adverse weather, blind spots, reckless driving, tailgating, inadequate rest breaks, unfamiliar roads, and certain medical conditions.

    If we establish that negligence contributed to any of these accidents, we may be able to help you pursue the compensation you need and deserve to feel whole again.

    Who Can Be Liable for a Truck Accident?

    In a truck accident, several parties can potentially be held liable for the incident. These parties include the truck's manufacturer, responsible for any defects in the vehicle, and the maintenance crew, who should ensure the truck's safety and roadworthiness. The company that employs the truck driver may also be responsible, especially if they hired an inexperienced driver, provided inadequate training, or violated driving hour regulations.
    The truck driver, too, can be at fault, particularly if they were negligent, violated traffic laws, or were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The truck owner, especially in cases where the truck is leased, may face liability if they fail to maintain the vehicle properly or neglect record-keeping requirements.

    What Evidence Can Be Used to Prove Liability in a Truck Accident?

    Proving liability in a truck accident relies on a range of evidence. This includes police reports, truck logbooks detailing driver activities, maintenance records, and data from event data recorders. Visual evidence like photos and videos, along with eyewitness testimonies, can also help reconstruct the accident. In some cases, especially where liability is disputed, expert analysis by accident reconstruction specialists can provide further insight.

    Get a Free Case Evaluation Today

    At Morgan and Morgan, we’ve handled countless cases of truck accidents all over the country and helped injured individuals just like you or a loved one obtain their much-deserved compensation. Please contact us today for a free case evaluation. We may be able to assign an experienced Lakeland truck accident lawyer to your case. 

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