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What to Do After a Car Accident in Tampa

Someone else’s mistake or momentary inattention can change your life forever and cause physical injuries, emotional trauma, and expenses for years to come. Knowing what to do after a car accident in Tampa can be crucial for your health and, if necessary, your legal claim for compensation for your damages.

Morgan & Morgan understands the challenges you face after getting hurt in a car accident. However, you are not alone. From dealing with insurance companies, gathering evidence, and advocating your rights, our determined lawyers are ready to take on the battle and fight for what you deserve.

Morgan & Morgan can help you understand your options and move forward with a claim if you suffer injuries and damages in a crash in Tampa. Contact us today for a free case evaluation to find out more.

Stay Calm and Assess the Accident Scene

Crash scenes can be chaotic and overwhelming, and you may not know what to do after a car accident in Tampa. In this situation, remaining calm and taking the necessary steps can be crucial to protect your rights.

1. Check Yourself and Others for Injuries

Your safety and well-being and that of other individuals at the crash should be your top priority. Check yourself and any passengers for injuries and call 911 for emergency medical assistance if needed.

2. Move to a Safe Location

If possible, move your car out of the road and to a safe location, such as the side of the road or a nearby parking lot. Moving away from traffic can help avoid further accidents or injuries.

3. Exchange Information

Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved in the crash, including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • License plate number
  • Insurance company and policy details

4. Document the Crash Scene

Take photos of the accident scene, including the damage to all vehicles involved, the position of the vehicles, and any skid marks or debris on the road. Your pictures can be valuable evidence if you have to file an insurance claim or lawsuit later on.

5. Don’t Admit Fault

Emotions often run high at accident scenes. Therefore, refrain from discussing details of the crash and avoid arguments with other drivers. If another person becomes argumentative or belligerent, try to remove yourself from the situation and wait for law enforcement to arrive. Don’t mention anything at the crash scene that could be misconstrued as admitting fault. Remember that everything you say or do now could be used against you later.

Call the Police if You Are Injured

If you are injured or your car is significantly damaged, you should call the police to attend the scene of your Tampa accident, even if the other driver asks you not to. Law enforcement will make a comprehensive report that can be vital for your compensation claim and includes information such as:

  • Drivers’ statements
  • The names and contact details of any witnesses
  • A description of how the accident happened
  • Photos of the crash scene and vehicles
  • Weather and road conditions
  • Insurance information of all involved drivers
  • Any citations issued, such as drunk driving or speeding
  • The officer’s opinion as to who is at-fault

The information contained in a police accident report can be critical, especially if you decide to file a lawsuit against the responsible party.

Seek Medical Attention Promptly After a Crash in Tampa

One of the most important steps after a car crash in Tampa is to seek medical assistance as soon as possible, even if you feel fine. Seeing a doctor can be vital for your health and rule out any internal injuries or other hidden health issues. Consider taking the following steps to protect your health and legal rights:

  • Get a medical evaluation soon after the crash, even if you don’t have any visible injuries.
  • Keep records of all medical bills and treatments, such as hospital visits, doctor appointments, and medications prescribed.
  • Follow your doctor’s orders for treatment and recovery, adhere to your treatment plan, and attend all appointments.

Failing to follow medical recommendations may harm your health and significantly affect your ability to seek compensation from the responsible party.

Morgan & Morgan is here to help. If you don’t know what to do after a car accident in Tampa, we could help you get adequate medical assistance and inform you about your legal rights.

Understanding Your Legal Rights After a Tampa Car Accident

Understanding your legal rights and obligations as a car accident victim can be crucial when seeking fair compensation. Here are some key points to keep in mind when you get hurt in an accident in Tampa:

Florida Is a No-Fault State

Florida follows a no-fault insurance system, meaning your insurance company is generally responsible for covering your medical expenses and lost wages regardless of who caused the accident. However, if you have suffered severe injuries and considerable property damage, you could file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company and recover additional compensation.

Florida’s Statute of Limitations

If you seek compensation from the responsible party, you must file a lawsuit within the appropriate time frame or risk losing the right to sue. According to Florida Statute §95.11, victims generally have four years to file a personal injury claim. However, since certain factors can shorten or lengthen the deadline, consider talking to an experienced car accident attorney to clarify your options and any applicable deadlines.

Comparative Fault

Florida follows a comparative fault system, which means your compensation may be reduced if you are partially responsible for the crash. If you have some fault in the collision, consult a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney at Morgan & Morgan can argue your case and prevent the other side from assigning you an unfairly high degree of fault.

In all but the most minor of car accidents, working with an experienced car accident lawyer who understands the applicable laws and statutes in Florida can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Types of Crashes Our Car Accident Lawyers Handle

If you don’t know where to turn or what to do after a car accident in Tampa, Morgan & Morgan has your back. Regardless of the type of crash you experienced, our Tampa car accident attorneys are ready to assist. Some of the more common car accidents we see in our practice include:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • T-Bone accidents
  • Crashes in intersections
  • Hit-and-run accidents
  • Rollover crashes

Each accident type comes with its unique set of challenges. However, our car accident attorneys are tenacious and experienced litigators who have helped thousands of victims recover the compensation they needed to get their lives back on track. We can provide you with the expertise and support you need to pursue fair compensation. Remember to seek immediate legal advice and representation after a crash to preserve your rights.


Morgan & Morgan

    Am I Entitled to Compensation After a Tampa Car Crash?

    Whether you qualify for damages will depend on the circumstances of your accident, specifically whether another is responsible. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that most crashes are caused by driver errors or negligence, including drunk driving, speeding, or other risky driving behaviors. If another’s carelessness or recklessness caused or contributed to your Tampa car accident, you could be entitled to damages, such as:

    • Lost income
    • Healthcare and rehabilitation expenses
    • Pain and anguish
    • Emotional trauma
    • Permanent disability
    • Loss of life quality

    However, the compensation you could receive will depend on various factors, such as the severity of your injuries, your accident-related expenses, and the degree of negligence of the other party.

    How Do I Know Whether I Need an Attorney for My Claim?

    Sometimes, victims don’t know what to do after a car accident in Tampa and whether they need a lawyer to help them with a compensation claim. Generally, if your car accident was minor and did not involve any injuries, you might be able to handle the claim on your own.

    However, if you were involved in a serious crash in Tampa and suffered significant injuries and damages, consider speaking to a car accident lawyer at Morgan & Morgan, who can advise you on your best course of action. You should also consider working with an attorney if:

    • A loved one passed away in a car crash
    • The at-fault party is blaming you for the accident
    • You suffered a life-changing injury or permanent disability
    • The insurance refuses a fair settlement
    • You cannot return to work due to your accident injuries

    My Loved One Died in a Tampa Car Accident; Can I Sue?

    While nothing can turn back time and compensate for losing a loved one, you could qualify for a wrongful death lawsuit and receive damages, such as:

    • Medical expenses before death
    • Funeral and burial costs
    • Loss of companionship
    • Loss of parental guidance
    • Loss of income and services from the deceased

    Losing your loved one in a car crash can be a huge shock. However, you don’t have to face this challenging and upsetting time alone. Morgan & Morgan’s compassionate lawyers can handle all aspects of your legal claim and fight for maximum compensation.

    Can I File a Car Accident Lawsuit if I Was a Passenger?

    If you were injured and someone else was responsible for the accident in Tampa, you could claim compensation. For example, you could have a case against:

    • The driver of the car you were traveling in
    • Another motorist
    • A cyclist or pedestrian who caused the accident

    A car accident lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can help you understand your options and guide you through the process with compassion and expertise.

    Could I Recover Lost Wages if I Had to Take Time Off Work?

    If you were so badly injured that you had to take time off work after a crash, you could qualify for compensation for lost wages. You may be able to recover the income you have already lost, plus potential future earnings. Our attorneys can help you calculate the full extent of your lost wages.

    What if the At-Fault Driver Was Uninsured?

    If the responsible driver does not have car insurance, you could still have options for recovering the compensation you need to move forward with your life. For example, you could file a claim with your own insurance company if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. Additionally, you could pursue legal action against the at-fault driver personally. If you don’t know what to do after a car accident with an uninsured driver in Tampa, Morgan & Morgan is here to assess your case and clarify your options.

    Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer if a Vehicle Defect Caused the Crash?

    You might be able to file a lawsuit against a carmaker or car part manufacturer if a defect in your vehicle caused the accident. Car manufacturers must ensure their vehicles are safe and free from defects that could pose a risk to consumers. A Morgan & Morgan Tampa auto accident attorney can work with professional investigators to examine the accident’s cause and hold the manufacturer accountable for your damages.

    We Fight for Car Accident Victims in Tampa

    Getting what you deserve when injured in a car crash in Tampa can be a long and frustrating process. Don’t struggle alone when you can get America’s largest injury law firm in your corner. There’s only one Morgan & Morgan, and we never settle for less because we believe your health is priceless.

    Our tenacious car accident attorneys can work tirelessly on your claim, giving you space and time to heal and move forward. Our fee is free; you only pay us if we win and recover compensation. Get started today and contact us for a free case evaluation to discover your legal options.

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