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Tallahassee Neck, Spinal Cord, and Back Injury

A neck, spinal cord, and back injury is usually painful and can be debilitating. Chronic pain and even life-altering complications are common with this type of injury. If your injury is due to someone’s negligence, you may be able to recover some or all of your damages. This may also mean you need a neck, spinal cord, and back injury lawyer in Tallahassee. If you suffered a neck, spinal cord, or back injury in Tallahassee, contact Morgan & Morgan for a free case evaluation with one of our specialists.


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    Common Types of Neck, Spinal Cord, and Back Injuries in Tallahassee

    Neck, spinal cord, and back injuries are often painful, and your symptoms can range from headaches to weakness and loss of feeling in your arms and legs. You may experience mobility issues and notice your range of motion is severely limited. Some examples of common neck, spinal cord, and back injuries in Tallahassee include but are not limited to the following.

    Sprains and Strains

    Sprained or torn ligaments and strained neck muscles are common and typically result from sudden force on the neck, head, back, or entire body. Neck sprains and strains can lead to stiffness, soreness, and immobility, to name a few complications.

    Slipped Disc

    A slipped disc, also known as a herniated or ruptured disc, occurs when the inner portion of the spinal disc pushes through the outer part of the disc. This type of injury often leads to severe back pain.


    Whiplash often occurs in auto accidents and affects the muscles, tendons, nerves, and bones in your neck and upper back. The force of an accident can force your neck back and forth, causing this painful injury.

    Spinal Fractures

    A spinal fracture or broken neck can be fatal. Total and permanent paralysis is common in this type of severe back injury.

    Spinal Cord Injuries

    Spinal cord injuries affect the neck and top of the spinal column. Accident victims may suffer partial or total paralysis, chronic pain, and/or nerve damage

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan

    As the largest personal injury law firm in the nation, Morgan & Morgan is uniquely qualified to handle your neck, spinal cord, and back injury claim in Tallahassee. We have over 35 years of experience fighting for the legal rights of our clients. Contact Morgan & Morgan to schedule a free consultation with one of our specialists.

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