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Birth Injury Attorney in Panama City

You’re here because your loved one has probably been injured during the birth process due to someone else’s negligence. In that case, you are in the right place. We understand your pain, and that’s because we’ve handled similar cases before.

One of the cases we’ve handled in the past involved a woman whose child suffered a brain injury because doctors failed to perform a C-section on the mother in time during the birth process. Our birth injury attorneys were able to help the mother and her child win a $38 million verdict.

That’s just one of the many similar cases we’ve handled. If you or a loved one has suffered similar injuries or anything along those lines, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free case evaluation. 

One of our legal representatives will review the unique circumstances of your case to determine whether you have a viable claim. And if you do, we’ll look into the possibility of assigning an experienced Panama City birth injury lawyer to your case.

Here’s the form you need to fill out to get started. We’ll be looking forward to reviewing your case for free.


Morgan & Morgan

    How Do I Know My Loved One Suffered a Birth Injury?

    Birth injuries usually have different symptoms. The most common include cerebral palsy, visible facial or skull injuries, fractures, and uncontrollable crying. If you believe that your child might have been injured during birth, it’s best to get the opinion of a different doctor or contact us for a free case evaluation. We have medical experts who can look into the unique circumstances of your situation and help determine whether your child was injured.

    If My Child Was Injured During Birth, Who Can I Sue?

    It depends on the unique circumstances of your case. Liability can fall on anyone involved in the birth process. It could be the doctors, nurses, midwives, or even the facility where the child was born. That’s also one of the things we may be able to help you determine when you reach out to us about your case.

    How Much Is the Birth Injury Case Worth?

    Many factors will determine the value of the birth injury case. These include the nature of the injuries, how they’ve affected your loved one’s life (or how they could affect them in the future), medical expenses incurred, the pain and suffering your child went through, and more. Once we’ve reviewed your case, we’ll be able to tell its value after gathering all the facts and evidence required. 

    Do Birth Injury Claims Only Apply to Children?

    Not really. Adults can also file a claim. The mother, for example, can file a claim if they were injured during the birth process due to someone else’s negligence. 

    Find Out If You Have a Valid Case

    Birth injury cases usually have a higher burden of proof than most personal injury claims. That’s why you need a skilled Panama City birth injury attorney to fight for you and your loved one. But first, we must establish if you have a viable claim. Fill out this form today to get started

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