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Bus Accident Attorney in Orlando

When we opened the first ever Morgan and Morgan office in Orlando, Florida, back in 1988, our goal was to fight for the rights of the injured. More than 35 years later, we have grown to become the nation's largest and most powerful injury firm. Our attorneys have represented over 500,000 families from coast to coast and won over $20 billion in settlements and verdicts. At Morgan and Morgan, no case is too complex for our Orlando bus accident lawyer to handle. If you or a loved one is a victim, help might be a free case evaluation away. Contact us today.


Morgan & Morgan

    How Can a Morgan and Morgan Attorney Help?

    With a Morgan and Morgan attorney in your corner, rest assured you have a legal representative with your best interests at heart and the resources to protect these interests. Here's an overview of how our process works, suppose you have a viable claim: 

    • Initial consultation with a bus accident specialist to gather accident details.
    • Case evaluation to assess liability and damages.
    • Investigation to collect evidence to support your claim.
    • Expert consultation, such as accident reconstruction, if needed.
    • Identifying the parties responsible for the accident.
    • Filing a claim with their insurance carriers. 
    • Negotiating with insurance companies.
    • Filing a lawsuit if the other party refuses to settle.

    Can I Sue a Bus Company After an Accident?

    Yes, you can if there's evidence to suggest that the bus driver, the company, or any of its employees acted negligently or failed to fulfill their duty of care, leading to the accident. This can include situations where:

    • the bus driver was driving recklessly;
    • the bus company failed to maintain the vehicle properly; 
    • the bus company was negligent in its hiring process (hired underqualified drivers to cut costs, for example); or 
    • the company did not adequately train or supervise its drivers.  

    Recoverable Bus Accident Damages Under Florida's No-Fault Laws

    In the Sunshine State, if you're involved in a bus accident, your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance initially covers you, regardless of who was at fault. This coverage can help with medical expenses and lost wages, but it has limits. PIP typically covers up to 80% of your medical expenses and 60% of lost wages, up to the limits of your policy, which is usually $10,000. However, the severity of bus accidents often means that damages exceed these limits.

    If you sustained serious injuries—typically involving significant and permanent loss of an important bodily function, permanent injury, significant and permanent scarring or disfigurement, or death—you may step outside the no-fault system and pursue a claim against the at-fault party. In such cases, you can seek compensation for the full range of damages to which you may be entitled.

    Contact Morgan and Morgan Today

    To learn more about your rights after a bus accident in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, get in touch with us today for a free case evaluation. We might be able to offer more than legal advice. 

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