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Car Wreck Lawyer in Gainesville

Dealing with insurance companies is one of the biggest challenges you'll likely encounter when fighting for your right to compensation. This is especially true if you suffered severe injuries or lost a loved one in a car wreck in Gainesville. Under normal circumstances, you will need to file a claim with your own insurance provider per Florida's no fault insurance laws. However, this option only works if your injuries are not as serious and if you did not incur significant property damage.

But if the opposite is true or you lost a loved one in the accident, hiring a lawyer in Gainesville significantly improves your chances of obtaining a reasonable settlement. In such situations, you may be able to step outside the no-fault system and file a claim with the other party. But the biggest challenge with this option is that it requires a lot of resources and experience. That is where we come in as America's largest injury firm with an army of more than 1,000 lawyers, a proven track record of securing multi-million verdicts and settlements, and a solid reputation for being the law firm for the people.

Tell us about your case today, and we will let you know if you may have legal grounds to pursue compensation after a car accident.


Morgan & Morgan

    Do I Need To Hire a Car Wreck Lawyer in Gainesville?

    No law requires you to hire a lawyer after a car wreck in Gainesville or anywhere in Florida. But if you care about recovering maximum compensation for your injuries and losses, which you should, hiring a lawyer should be a priority after the accident.


    What Should I Look for in a Car Wreck Lawyer?

    You need a lawyer with experience handling car wreck cases in this part of Florida. The lawyer should also have access to powerful legal resources to build a strong case for you or a loved one. That way, they will not settle for any amount. Instead, they will not be afraid to go all the way to trial if that is what it takes to secure the compensation you deserve.

    What Is the Deadline for Hiring a Car Wreck Lawyer in Gainesville?

    Florida recently revised the deadline for filing such cases from four years to two years. Now, more than ever, it is important that you contact a lawyer to preserve your claim and ensure that you don't miss your chance to seek the compensation you need and deserve.

    How Much Will a Car Wreck Lawyer Charge to Represent Me?

    At Morgan and Morgan, we handle these cases on a contingency basis. One of the many benefits of this system is that it gives you access to some of the nation's best injury lawyers without having to worry about upfront payments. 

    Contact America's Largest Injury Firm

    Having America's largest injury farm working on your case is a strong statement in itself. It sends a powerful warning to insurance companies that you are serious about recovering maximum compensation. That is the kind of power you need when dealing with such cases. Contact us today to get started.

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