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Atlanta Motorcycle Accidents

At Morgan & Morgan, our motorcycle accident attorneys have the experience and resources needed to successfully handle cases involving serious and fatal motorcycle accidents.

Our Atlanta attorneys have extensive experience thoroughly preparing cases for trial, gathering persuasive and supportive evidence during investigations, and only accepting settlements if they are in our client’s best interests. If negotiations for a settlement fail, our Atlanta trial lawyers are prepared to take our cases to court to recover proper compensation for our clients.

While every case is different, our Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys have a history of successfully recovering multi-million dollar results to help our clients regain financial stability.

If you or a loved one has been seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit and recover the money you would have otherwise lost in expenses and bills. For more information about how our Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys may be able to help, please complete our free case review form today.


Morgan & Morgan

    The Motorcycle Lawsuit Process

    The Investigation

    During the investigation, your attorney will collect evidence to help demonstrate that the other party was negligent in causing the crash. A driver may be acting negligently if he or she:

    • Swerves in front of a biker
    • Cuts off a motorcyclist at an intersection
    • Exceeds the posted speed limit
    • Fails to yield when appropriate
    • Tailgates
    • Drives under the influence
    • Turns left into a motorcyclist’s path
    • Fails to be aware of their surroundings

    Your attorney may gather proof of the other party’s negligence by:

    • Reviewing Atlanta police reports and photographs
    • Collecting witness statements
    • Establishing you followed all motorcycle regulations
    • Analyzing medical reports with medical experts to establish your injuries and how they were most likely sustained
    • Recreating the crash with the assistance of accident re-creationist specialists

    Evaluating and Determining Damages

    In handling your motorcycle accident lawsuit, your attorney will determine the types of compensable damages you sustained as a result of the accident, and the amount of compensation you will need to cover your losses. Damages include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • The cost of medical treatment for injuries
    • Lost wages, if the victim is temporarily or permanently unable to continue working
    • Property damages, such as the cost to repair or replace the motorcycle
    • Pain and suffering
    • Punitive damages

    Creating a Claim and Negotiating for a Settlement

    Once your attorney has completed this investigation, he or she will review the information as a whole and create a claim on which your lawsuit will be based. Using your claim, your attorney will approach the other party and their insurer in an attempt to reach a settlement agreement before a lawsuit is officially filed with the court.

    If negotiations are unsuccessful, your attorney will file your claim with the court, beginning the official lawsuit process. Generally, while preparing their cases for trial, the parties will engage in further settlement negotiations in an attempt to keep the case from going to court.

    Contact Us

    If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may have legal options. To learn how our Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys may be able to help you recover for your losses, fill outfree case review form.

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