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Savannah Suffered a Building Collapse? Give Us a Call

Have you or someone you know suffered from a building collapse in Savannah? If so, you're not alone. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in building collapses, with the Savannah area experiencing its fair share of incidents.

In fact, just in April of 2023, three construction workers in Savannah were injured when part of a building collapsed. And in January 2024, a fire led to a partial collapse of a building, trapping a firefighter inside. 

As you can see, building collapses aren't that uncommon. If you've been injured in a building collapse, you need to take prompt action by hiring the right building collapse lawyer. Let's take a closer look.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Causes a Building Collapse?

    There are all kinds of different factors that can lead to a building collapse, including natural disasters, poor construction, and lack of maintenance. 

    One of the most common causes of building collapse is foundation failure. If a building is constructed on unstable soil or there are significant changes in underground water levels, the foundation can shift, crack, and eventually collapse. 

    Other causes of building collapse include natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes, as well as human error and accidents like explosions, fires, and gas leaks.

    What Are Some Common Types of Injuries Caused By Building Collapse?

    Building collapses can result in devastating injuries to those involved. Some common types of injuries include:

    • Traumatic brain injuries: When a building collapses, there is a high potential for individuals to suffer a blow to the head, either from the initial impact or from falling debris. Traumatic brain injuries can be life-threatening and may result in long-term disabilities.
    • Broken bones: It's common for victims of building collapse to suffer from broken bones, including fractures of the spine, arms, legs, and ribs.
    • Crush injuries: When a building collapses, people can become trapped or pinned under debris, leading to crush injuries. These injuries can involve loss of limbs, internal organ damage, and extreme pain.
    • Emotional trauma: The experience of being involved in a building collapse can be traumatizing, leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan for Your Building Collapse in Savannah Case

    If you or someone you know has suffered from a building collapse in Savannah, don't hesitate to give Morgan & Morgan a call. Our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to fighting for the rights of accident victims, and we have the resources to get the job done.

    Our lawyers are licensed in all 50 states, meaning that no matter where you are, Savannah or elsewhere, we can help you get the compensation you deserve. We've helped over 500,000 families and receive around 5,000 calls a day, so you can trust that we have the knowledge and expertise to handle your case.

    Don't wait to take action after a building collapse. Contact Morgan & Morgan today, and let us fight for your rights.

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