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Savannah Bicycle Accident Attorney

There is something about hiring a powerful, nationwide injury firm to represent you. It's about experience, access to powerful legal resources, proven results, and, importantly, the courage to take on virtually any defendant on your behalf. That's what a Savannah bicycle accident lawyer from Morgan and Morgan brings to the table. We are America's largest and most powerful injury firm. We've won more than $20 billion in total for over 500,000 families in America. We receive over 5,000 calls a day from potential clients, including those injured in bicycle accidents. Come, let's fight for you, too. Contact us today to get started.


Morgan & Morgan

    Can I file a Claim if I was Partially at fault?

    Even if you think you were partly at fault in a bicycle accident, you still have the right to file a claim. Georgia follows the comparative negligence system, which means you can still recover damages as long as you are not more than 50 percent at fault.

    Common Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

    Bicycle accidents can leave you with serious injuries. We're talking about more than just scrapes and bruises. You could be dealing with broken bones, head injuries like concussions and TBIs, or even spinal damage. These injuries can put you out of work, pile up medical bills, and cause a lot of pain and suffering, all of which should warrant some form of compensation.

    Why You Should File a Claim

    Bicycle accident injuries can have potential long-term effects on your health and finances. Head injuries, for example, can lead to chronic conditions, spinal injuries might mean prolonged rehabilitation or even a life confined to a wheelchair. That's why filing a claim is critical. It's not just about getting compensation; it's about putting you in a better financial situation to handle the lifestyle changes that come with such accidents.

    Why You Should Never File a Claim Without a Lawyer

    Going into a bicycle accident claim without a lawyer should be the last thing on your mind. Insurance companies don't care about your injuries or losses; they only care about profits. 

    To them, you're just another case number. To us, you're part of the Morgan and Morgan family. 

    Your rights are worth fighting for. Your struggles are our struggles, too. That's because we've been in a similar situation many years ago when our brother Tim got injured while working at Disney World and couldn't get the help he needed. That incident gave birth to the story of Morgan and Morgan. 

    Back to insurance companies, they'll try to pay you as little as possible or pin the blame on you. Our bicycle accident lawyers understand these tricks and how to fight them. They'll handle the legal aspects of the case, negotiate on your behalf, and make sure your claim is taken seriously and your rights protected.

    With a lawyer from Morgan and Morgan, you stand a much better chance of getting the full compensation you deserve, without being short-changed or overwhelmed by the legal process.

    Contact America's Largest Injury Firm

    Your bicycle accident injuries and losses shouldn't count for nothing. You deserve full compensation. To get started, contact us today by filling out our free case evaluation form.

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