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Louisville Rideshare Accident Lawyer

No doubt that ridesharing has simplified how we move from one point to another, especially in big cities in Louisville. However, studies show the other side of ridesharing you probably didn't know about; this new-age transport system has increased the number of traffic fatalities on US roads by about three percent, per one study. That translates to approximately 987 more deaths yearly. If you or your loved one has been involved in such an accident, don't wait—contact Morgan and Morgan today for a free case evaluation. We might be able to assign a Louisville rideshare accident lawyer to fight for you.


Morgan & Morgan

    How Does Ridesharing Work?

    Ridesharing operates through mobile apps like Uber and Lyft, two of the biggest rideshare companies by market share, connecting passengers with private drivers for hire. Users request a ride via the app, and a nearby driver accepts the request. The app provides the driver's details, estimated arrival time, and fare. Payment is handled electronically through the app, making the process cashless and convenient.

    Why Ridesharing Drivers Are More Likely to Cause Accidents

    Ridesharing drivers may be more prone to accidents due to factors like increased time on the road, leading to fatigue. The use of navigation apps and the need to monitor ride requests can also cause distraction. Additionally, the pressure to accept more rides and navigate busy urban areas, such as Louisville quickly can lead to speeding or risky driving behaviors. Unlike professional taxi drivers, rideshare drivers often lack specialized training, which can contribute to a higher risk of accidents.

    What to Do After a Ridesharing Accident

    After a ridesharing accident, call emergency services if you've suffered serious injuries. Then, document the scene with photos and videos and exchange information with all parties involved, including the rideshare driver. Remember to seek medical attention, even for minor injuries. Finally, contact Morgan and Morgan for a free case review.

    Is Hiring a Ridesharing Accident Lawyer from Morgan and Morgan Costly?

    Not really, and that's because we work on a contingency fee basis. This means our fee is a percentage of the settlement or award you receive. If you don't win, we don't get paid.

    Get a Free Case Evaluation

    A free case evaluation can help determine whether your case has merit. This way, you'll know whether taking legal action is the best way forward. Contact us today to get started.

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