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NYC Explosion Lawyer

Do you have the number for an explosion lawyer in NYC? If not, you really should.

After all, New York City is known for its hustle and bustle—but sometimes that bustle can turn into something more dangerous. Explosions have been a reality in New York City for decades, from the infamous 2001 World Trade Center bombing to more recent incidents like the 2015 East Village gas explosion

Unfortunately, explosions don't discriminate - they can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone. That's why it's important to have an experienced explosion lawyer like Morgan & Morgan on your side.


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    What Are the Most Common Causes of Explosions?

    Explosions have been a part of New York City's history for decades. From terrorist attacks to gas line issues, explosions can happen at any time and without warning. 

    Here are some of the most common causes of explosions in New York City as well as other parts of the country:

    • Gas Leaks: Gas leaks are one of the top causes of explosions in New York City, and they can happen anywhere, from residential buildings to office towers. Leaks can occur due to faulty appliances, aging pipes, and other factors. Since gas is odorless, sometimes an explosion is sadly the first sign of a leak.
    • Chemical Accidents: These accidents can also release harmful chemicals into the air or water, causing severe environmental damage and illnesses.

    Terrorism: Unfortunately, in this day and age, terrorist attacks have become a reality in many cities, including New York. Explosives and other weapons can cause mass devastation, leading to loss of life and extensive property damage.

    Dealing with Injuries After an Explosion in NYC

    No matter the cause of the explosion, the aftermath can be overwhelming for those affected. 

    The most common injuries can range from relatively minor burns and cuts to more serious and life-threatening conditions like traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and severe burns. 

    In some cases, families may lose loved ones in these tragic events, leaving them with grief, financial burdens, and a host of legal concerns as they try to pick up the pieces and move forward.

    Choose Morgan & Morgan as Your Explosion Lawyer in NYC

    Whether it's a gas leak, faulty wiring, or an act of terrorism, explosions pose a serious risk to public safety in the Big Apple.

    So what can you do if you or someone you love is injured or affected by an explosion in NYC? That's where an experienced explosion lawyer comes in. At Morgan & Morgan, we've helped countless clients navigate the complex legal landscape following disasters and explosions in New York City.

    From dealing with insurance companies and government agencies to advocating for your legal rights in court, our team is ready to fight for you every step of the way.

    So if you or someone you love has been affected by an explosion in New York City, don't wait— contact Morgan & Morgan today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. With 35 years of experience and a commitment to putting our clients first, we're the explosive injury lawyers you need on your side.

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