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Los Angeles Environmental Lawyers

Environmental catastrophes regularly hit Los Angeles and the state of California. While fires and mudslides may immediately come to mind, many of the most devastating disasters occur directly as a result of local business leaders. From oil spills to radioactive contamination, a variety of calamities regularly place L.A. residents at risk. Unfortunately, few who suffer harm stand up to the responsible enterprises. However, with the right legal representation on your side, you can help hold these parties accountable for environmental damage and the harm it causes.


Morgan & Morgan

    Why Work With an Environmental Attorney?

    After suffering from the fallout of environmental negligence, you deserve compassionate legal representation to fight for your rights. Often, these lawyers play critical roles in victims’ efforts to secure justice and financial compensation. Los Angeles environmental attorneys can hold businesses and agencies accountable for their failure to fully abide by the following local and federal regulations:

    • Clean Air Act
    • Clean Water Act
    • National Environmental Policy Act
    • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
    • California Environmental Quality Act

    Many organizations fail to follow the stipulations these and other laws outline. Their noncompliance can hold huge implications, not only for L.A. residents but also for people living throughout the state of California and beyond. Corporate greed often lies at the heart of these catastrophes. Thankfully, even ordinary individuals have the power to make a difference with the right legal representation. By pursuing a toxic tort or similar civil action, you could play your part in enacting lasting change.

    Morgan & Morgan: An Environmental Attorney L.A. Residents Respect

    All law firms are not the same — choosing the right one can be tricky. Morgan & Morgan receives thousands of referrals from other lawyers, doctors, and even judges. When it comes to taking legal action against negligent corporations, size matters. We have over 1,000 attorneys nationwide and have recovered billions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Thanks to our resources, we can invest more money in your case, fly around the country, and bring in more lawyers. With Morgan & Morgan, there are no upfront costs, and we never charge by the hour — you pay us only if we win.

    Environmental cases are complex. To obtain the most desirable outcome, you need a law firm with a proven track record. Morgan & Morgan has been fighting for the rights of victims for over 30 years. Our Los Angeles environmental attorneys are passionate about protecting the environment and obtaining justice for victims.

    Don’t go through this alone. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are ready to fight by your side to hold negligent business owners accountable. Fill out a free case evaluation to discover what we can do for you.

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