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Philadelphia Sexual Assault Lawyers

Sexual assault is one of the most common crimes in the United States, with a new victim experiencing an assault every 92 seconds. Not only is sexual assault prevalent, but its impact on the lives of victims goes far beyond the initial attack. Such victims experience lower productivity and may develop conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or agoraphobia. They may require years of treatment to undo the damage. To make matters worse, pressure at work or home can make it difficult to come forward and report the attack. Victims are often in situations where they continue to work alongside or take direction from their assailant.


Morgan & Morgan

    Sexual Assault and the Law

    In Philadelphia, both sexual assault and indecent assault are crimes under the law.

    • Sexual assault is engaging in sexual intercourse or deviant intercourse without the victim's consent.
    • Indecent assault is a broader term including nonconsensual contact with the assailant or their bodily fluids if the goal is the assailant's arousal.

    The burden of proof in both charges falls to the prosecution, which must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. However, if a defendant attempts to use intoxication or insanity as a defense, the burden of proof shifts to that individual. Those who get convicted of certain types of sexual assault must register as sex offenders for life.

    Civil Claims for Assault

    Victims of sexual assault can seek monetary damages to compensate them for their physical injuries, lost work, and emotional distress. This is possible even if the criminal court doesn’t convict the assailant. Because the evidentiary bar is lower in civil cases, victims can also seek to punish organizations that facilitated the conduct or hostile work environment. Sexual misconduct may also be a violation of Title IX, which protects students and staff from discrimination under the law. Some common incidents of sexual misconduct are as follows:

    • Rape, which includes date rape or acquaintance rape
    • Sexual abuse of the mentally disabled
    • Sexual abuse of children under the legal age of consent
    • Nursing home abuse
    • Sexual harassment in the workplace
    • Abuse that occurs within religious or other organizations, such as law enforcement
    • The creation of a hostile environment in the workplace

    The Morgan & Morgan Difference

    If you’re a victim of sexual assault in Philadelphia, contact Morgan & Morgan immediately. Having the right legal representation on your side can make all the difference in your case. All law firms are not the same. With more than 1,000 attorneys nationwide and billions of dollars recovered, we have the resources and reach necessary to provide you the best service possible. Some lawyers are jacks-of-all-trades. Morgan & Morgan focuses solely on personal injury law and will know how much your case is worth, never settling for less than you deserve. More than 100,000 clients trust Morgan & Morgan, so don’t go through this alone. Our Philadelphia sexual assault attorneys are ready to fight for your best interests. And you pay us only if we win for you. Fill out a no-cost case evaluation form today to discover how we can help.

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