• The Fee Is Free Unless You Win®.
  • America's Largest Injury Law Firm™
  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
  • 1,000+ Lawyers Nationwide

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Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. ©2024 Morgan and Morgan, P.A. All rights reserved.
Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta

Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta

You can be the most careful person in the world and still find yourself injured after an unsuspected accident. Whether it’s a car accident, slip and fall, or a workplace mishap, a third party’s negligence can create a hazardous situation that causes you to sustain damages, often leaving you on your own to pick up the pieces. This can happen in various ways, including careless driving and negligent maintenance by a property owner, but the damage is all the same—you’re left physically, mentally, and emotionally drained, all because someone couldn’t act responsibly.

Choosing a law firm to represent you after one of the most difficult moments of your life isn’t an easy decision. You’ll have a lot to take into account, including the firm's resources, its track record, and how they’ll treat you throughout your case. Smaller law firms offer a more personalized touch, compared to larger firms, with more attention and direct care pledged by a compact team. On the other hand, more substantial law firms will have more resources than private practices, which can give you a better chance of successfully reaching the finish line of your lawsuit. Most people settle between one or the other, but what if you didn’t have to?

Morgan and Morgan, America’s largest personal injury firm, provides the personal attention of a small firm with the resources of a corporate giant—a best-of-both-worlds approach. You never have to settle for less than you deserve when you choose Morgan and Morgan, and you can trust that we’ll do the same, regardless of the size or complexity of your case. We understand what it’s like to suddenly find yourself as a victim because we’ve been there. Our firm was founded after John Morgan hired the wrong attorney for his brother, so we fight to ensure that no one feels disrespected or let down by the quality of the firm that protects them.

If you’re looking for a personal injury attorney in Atlanta, you can find us at 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 4200. Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to start the process.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • Common Accidents When Away From Home

    Accidents can potentially happen anywhere, whether you are out of state or even in another country. Some common accidents and incidents away from home include: 

    Slips and Falls

    Falls can occur for many reasons, including wearing the wrong footwear. However, if you slipped and fell on another’s property due to a hazardous condition, you could have legal recourse. Dangerous and unsafe conditions include but are not limited to: 

    • Unsafe staircases
    • Snow or ice accumulations on walkways or stairs
    • Wet and slippery floors
    • Broken floorboards
    • Obstructions and cluttered walkways
    • Loose mats and bulging carpets
    • Inadequate lighting

    Lack of Security

    Lack of security can lead to robberies, violent attacks and assaults, and even murder. If a property owner fails to install adequate security such as security cameras, locks on doors, gates and fencing, and others, they could be liable for your expenses. Lack of security incidents can practically occur anywhere, such as in hotels, parking garages, medical facilities, malls, and elsewhere.

    Dog Bites and Animal Attacks

    A dog owner is responsible for keeping their animal under control at all times. If you or a loved one got attacked by a dog and suffered physical and emotional injuries, you could sue the owner for damages. 

    Swimming Pool Accidents

    Swimming pools have many potential hazards, in particular for the very young and the elderly. Slips and falls on wet and slippery floors or pool slide accidents can be common. Pool accidents can result in serious, debilitating, and costly injuries. If a swimming pool owner or operator is responsible, you could be entitled to damages.

  • Common Injuries When Not at Home

    Common injuries when away from home due to a slip and fall or other accident include:

    • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
    • Spinal cord injury
    • Lacerations and cuts
    • Broken bones
    • Burns
    • Electric shocks

    According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), assaults and violent attacks involving negligent security typically result in facial injuries, lacerations, and fractures. Moreover, if an attack involves a weapon, the victim could be permanently disabled or pass away from their injuries.

  • You Could Qualify for Compensation

    If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury or permanent disability after an accident, medical costs, income loss, and other expenses could be astronomical. Moreover, with a long-term injury, you could incur considerable costs in the future. If someone else recklessly or carelessly caused your injury, you could qualify for damages including:

    • Past, present, and future healthcare expenses
    • Loss of income and future loss of income
    • Emotional distress
    • Physical pain and anguish
    • Out-of-pocket expenses
    • Household assistance
    • Modification of your home and vehicle
    • Disfigurement
    • Permanent disability

    If you got hurt while not at home, who you call can be vital for preserving your rights to justice and compensation. A seasoned personal injury attorney at Morgan & Morgan can help you get clear on your legal options and fight for what you deserve on your behalf.

  • Who Is At-Fault for Your Injuries and Damages?

    Accidents and injuries away from home can occur with unsafe conditions due to the negligence of property or business owners. 

    Premises Liability Law

    Premises liability means that an owner or lessee who failed to make their property safe for visitors could be responsible if someone comes to harm due to a dangerous condition. Accidents can be caused by lack of maintenance, negligent security, and other reasons. In premises liability cases, the injured person must prove that a property owner or lessee was negligent or careless in some way.

    Getting hurt away from home can cause devastating physical, emotional, and financial consequences. However, if a property owner or other party is responsible for your injuries, they should pay for your damages and not you. Our determined injury attorneys can walk you through your legal options and fight for what you deserve.

  • Your Next Steps if You Got Hurt Away From Home

    Getting hurt while away can be confusing and stressful. Moreover, being far away from your usual support system, doctors, familiar medical facilities, and family can be frightening. However, taking some important steps can prevent you from running into problems when you get hurt while not at home: 

    Seek Medical Attention

    Depending on your injuries, you can call 911 for assistance or visit a local medical center. The sooner you get checked out by a doctor, the better. According to the Mayo Clinic, traumatic brain injury (TBI), a common accident injury, may not show symptoms for days or weeks. Having a doctor diagnose and treat any injuries promptly can shorten your recovery time and help you get your life back on track sooner.

    Collect Evidence

    If someone else is responsible for your accident and injury, you could file a personal injury lawsuit. However, to be successful, you will require relevant evidence proving the fault of the other party. You will also have to prove your injuries and losses in connection with the accident. Evidence can include:

    • Photographs of the accident scene and injuries
    • Receipts for out-of-pocket costs and medical bills
    • Statements from eyewitnesses 

    If you get hurt in a store or restaurant, ensure to report the accident to management. Ask to fill in an accident report and make sure to take a copy of the report with you, as this could be vital evidence in court.  

    Call an Injury Attorney

    An injury lawyer can be a great choice to call if you get hurt while not at home. Most first consultations with personal injury attorneys are free, allowing you to get valuable advice regarding your particular situation. Notably, a local injury attorney could also help you get medical care or other assistance you might need while injured away from home. 

  • Let Morgan & Morgan Handle Your Injury Away From Home Case

    If you get injured while away from home, you need an advocate on your side who can ensure that you receive adequate medical care and legal advice. Morgan & Morgan knows how to handle your injury case away from home efficiently and confidently. We can help fight for what you deserve by:

    Gathering the Evidence to Prove Your Case

    If you are not well and away from home, you most likely have a lot on your plate. The last thing on your mind should be gathering documents, reports, photographs, and witness statements. Our legal team can collect the evidence needed to prove your case while you are recovering from your injuries.

    Assessing Your Damages 

    If you do not know what your case is worth, you could leave money on the table in negotiations with the defendant or their insurance company. Our experienced attorneys can calculate your losses and damages accurately and fight for a fair and comprehensive settlement on your behalf. 

    Fighting for What You Deserve

    Insurance companies are experts in dragging out or denying claims. For accident victims, especially when injured away from home, fighting an insurer for every dollar can feel exhausting. Morgan & Morgan’s lawyers can handle all negotiations and communication with the insurance company. If an insurer refuses to settle, we will see them in court and fight for what you deserve at trial. 

    Most of all, having America’s largest personal injury law firm on your side gives you peace of mind and the knowledge that you are in safe and experienced hands. We have secured more than $20 billion in damages for our clients over the years and could help you get justice too. 

  • Could I Sue if I Got Injured on Public Property?

    Premises liability law can apply to all kinds of property, including public premises. You could potentially sue the responsible party whether you came to harm in a government building, a parking garage, or even on a broken sidewalk, to name just a few examples. 

    However, if you got hurt on public property, your case could be more complicated. Filing a suit against a government entity could involve additional regulations, laws, and tighter time limits. If you think you have a case against a local or state government, consider speaking to a personal injury lawyer who can guide you through the complex legal issues involving public property.

  • How Much Is My Case Worth?

    No two injury claims are the same. While it is impossible to know the exact value of your case, an attorney can estimate the approximate worth of your damages. How much compensation you could receive can depend on many factors, such as:

    • The facts and details of your accident
    • The extent of your injury
    • Who is at fault for the accident 
    • The scope of your medical treatments and costs
    • Your insurance coverage
    • The amount of income you lost due to the injury
    • The extent of your pain and suffering
    • The future impact of the injury on your work and home life

    One of our personal injury lawyers can assess your losses and future expected damages and give you an indication of the worth of your case.

  • How Much Time Do I Have for Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

    Since you do not have an unlimited amount of time for filing a lawsuit, knowing the deadlines in your state is vital. The statute of limitations, determining how long victims can sue, varies from one state to another. While many states give injured individuals at least two years to file suit, some factors, such as taking a government entity to court, can considerably shorten the timeframe available.

    If you miss the deadline in your state, you risk losing your right to claim damages as your case could simply get thrown out by the court. Therefore, it can be crucial to seek legal advice as soon as possible after suffering an injury away from home. A personal injury lawyer from our firm can walk you through your options and ensure that you are not missing any vital deadlines.

  • How Much Does an Injury Lawyer Cost?

    Most personal injury attorneys, including those handling premises liability claims, work on a "contingency fee" basis. In this instance, you are not responsible for any upfront attorney’s charges as the fees for representing you will be deducted from your settlement or damages if you win. If you lose your case, you will not be responsible for paying any lawyer’s fees. However, every law firm’s fee percentage varies. Some attorneys also charge their clients upfront for any costs involved with filing the lawsuit, such as court fees.

    Morgan & Morgan wants to help injury victims get their due. We believe that you deserve quality legal representation, regardless of financial circumstances. We do not charge you a dime unless and until we win and you receive damages or an out-of-court settlement. You pay nothing out of your pocket and have no financial risks when working with us.

  • We Can Help if You Got Hurt Away From Home

    Our compassionate and dedicated personal injury attorneys understand that those hurt away from home need additional support to deal with their injuries, paperwork, and legal issues. If you feel alone or overwhelmed, Morgan & Morgan is here to help and fight for what you need to put your life back together. 

    No matter where your accident and injury occurred, with more than 1,000 attorneys nationwide working tirelessly for the injured, we are just around the corner. Don’t struggle alone. If you got hurt while not at home, call us for free help and advice now.

  • What Should I Do if I’m Injured in an Accident That Wasn’t My Fault?

    The most important thing following any situation where you’re injured is your health and well-being, so make sure to seek medical attention promptly. Some individuals feel seeking care is unnecessary because they believe their damage isn’t significant enough to warrant the expense, but this is essentially a gamble. For example, numerous car accident victims sustain soft tissue injuries that don’t present themselves for long after the date of the accident. They may feel fine for a while, but one day, their condition presents itself and causes a great deal of pain, potentially limiting their ability to live a normal life. By visiting a medical professional, you can understand more about the damage you sustained and take proactive steps to limit your risk of pain.

    Once you’ve removed yourself from the scene and sought medical attention for your injuries, you’ll have a better understanding of the total dollar amount you’ve sustained as a result of the at-fault party’s negligence. This list will serve as your shopping list of damages to recover later in the legal process, but it’s recommended to retain an attorney before you take the following steps. The legal process for a personal injury matter involves an abundance of paperwork and deadlines, which are difficult to handle if you have no prior experience. You don’t want to miss an important filing date and prevent yourself from recovering the fullest extent of your damages. Teaming up with an attorney puts someone in your corner who understands the nuances of the situation, giving you an undeniable edge as you set the foundation of your case and seek to hold the negligent party accountable.

  • Is Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney Worth It?

    In most cases, yes, hiring a personal injury attorney in Atlanta is worth your while. Having someone on your side who understands the rules of your jurisdiction, the potential tactics of the opposing counsel, and the necessary steps to take to ensure success gives you a significantly higher chance of recovering the full extent of the damages you’re entitled to. They can also speed up the process if the at-fault party or insurance provider is dragging their feet, which can be a priceless benefit in cases where financial damage is severe.

    The involvement of a personal injury attorney is an opportunity for you to take a much-needed breath of fresh air. Although you’ll still need to stay involved, your team will handle a majority of the legal proceedings, but this is only if you can trust that they have your best interest in mind. If you’re looking for a personal injury attorney in Atlanta, there’s no better friend, ally, and legal partner than America’s largest personal injury firm—Morgan & Morgan

  • Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Get Paid if They Lose?

    Many law firms shackle their clients with hefty legal fees just to go over the details of their cases, which only furthers their financial burden and makes their situation all the more stressful. This approach is simply their business model, as they need to keep the lights on just like any other business would. Without fail, these firms are paid to represent you, regardless of whether they win or lose your case, but this isn’t the only option you have as you seek to recover what you’re entitled to.

    At Morgan and Morgan, we chose to take a route that allows anyone who was wronged by the negligence of a third party in Atlanta the opportunity to afford comprehensive representation after an expensive accident. When you team up with us, you pay no out-of-pocket costs, and we’re only paid if we win your case. That’s right; the fee is free when you team up with us. We take our fee from the favorable settlement or jury award not only to keep the costs low on your end but also to keep everyone focused on one centralized goal—reaching the best possible outcome in your personal injury matter.

  • What Can I Recover in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

    Every lawsuit is different. Your specific recovery will depend on the severity of your injuries, the jurisdiction the accident occurred in, and the circumstances surrounding your case, among other factors. However, here are some of the most common damages sought for recovery in personal injury lawsuits:

    • Medical expenses, both present and future
    • Lost wages
    • Diminished/Total loss of earning capacity
    • Vehicle repair costs
    • Property damage expenses
    • Pain and suffering
    • Quality of life damages
    • Punitive damages
    • Funeral benefits, in the case of wrongful death

    Insurance companies and appraisers commonly use formulas to calculate the monetary value of your damages. Each injury will have a number that corresponds to a dollar figure, and the total amount of all these injuries will serve as your total compensation package. While this may work well in clearcut cases, it’s more difficult to take this approach when trying to evaluate someone’s intangible damages, like pain and suffering. A third party won’t be able to look across the negotiating table and understand the condition you’re in, which often leads to diminished compensation offers and more out-of-pocket costs.

    In these situations, you’ll need an experienced attorney by your side who understands how to advocate for these hard-to-prove damages. At Morgan and Morgan, we excel at it, and you can trust that we’ll have your back from the beginning of your case until we cross the finish line.

  • What Kind of Cases Does a Personal Injury Attorney Handle?

    A personal injury attorney in Atlanta handles civil matters, so they won’t be able to help in any criminal cases. Here are a few of the many situations where hiring a personal injury lawyer would improve your odds of recovering the damage you sustained:

    • Car accidents
    • Medical malpractice
    • Premises liability
    • Product liability
    • Workers’ compensation
    • Slip and fall accidents
    • Wrongful death

    Morgan and Morgan’s Atlanta office is staffed with jack-of-all-trades attorneys, making us a one-stop shop for all your personal injury needs. Our team knows how to work up cases for the possibility of a trial starting on day one, which allows us to stay one step ahead of the opposing counsel’s tactics and strategy. Anyone looking for a personal injury attorney in Atlanta has an ally in Morgan and Morgan, and we’re available for no out-of-pocket costs.

  • Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta

    In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. No one should have to foot the bill for an accident they didn’t cause, and with our help, you have a better chance of not having to. You can’t afford to settle on a law firm that doesn’t offer comprehensive representation or a proven track record of outstanding results, especially with something as important as your rightful compensation on the line. Other law firms might claim to have this capability, but when push comes to shove, they’ll have to leave their clients hanging because they don’t have the necessary resources to continue fighting. With a Morgan and Morgan personal injury attorney in Atlanta, you won’t have to. We’re prepared to offer you the same service that’s made us who we are today, regardless of your financial status at the time of the accident.

    With over $20 billion recovered on behalf of our clients, decades of experience behind us, and a commitment to never settle for less than you deserve, there’s only one law firm that can give you the best possible chance of success—Morgan and Morgan. Complete our free, no-risk case evaluation to get started.

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