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Truck Accident Attorney in Irvine

Negligence is one of the leading causes of truck accidents in Irvine. In these cases, negligence manifests as distracted driving, poor truck (or road) maintenance, negligent hiring, and general recklessness.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident that was not your fault, now is the time to fight for the compensation you need and deserve. You don't deserve to suffer because of someone else's negligence, let alone pay medical bills and other expenses incurred as a result of the accident.

That's where an Irvine truck accident lawyer from Morgan and Morgan comes in. Your case might have unique circumstances, but fighting for the rights of the injured isn't unique to us. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


Morgan & Morgan

    Where Does Liability Fall After a Truck Accident in Irvine?

    Liability often falls on various parties depending on how the accident happened. Here are examples of different parties that could be held accountable.

    • The truck driver, if their negligence, such as distracted driving or violating traffic laws, caused the accident. 
    • The trucking company, if the accident resulted from inadequate training, poor vehicle maintenance, or if we establish that they encouraged unsafe driving practices. 
    • Manufacturers of truck parts, if a mechanical failure due to a defective part contributed to the accident.  
    • Cargo loading companies, if improper loading contributed to the accident.
    • Government entities, if they neglected their duty to maintain roads, and this negligence caused the accident.

    What Is the Statute of Limitations on Truck Accident Cases in Irvine?

    For most truck accident cases in Irvine, California, you only have two years from the accident date to take legal action against the party you believe was at fault for the accident. If you are filing a claim against a government entity, the statute of limitations drops to six months from the accident date.

    What Happens if I Miss the Deadline for Filing a Claim?

    That's not a situation you want to find yourself in, and that's because you may lose the right to sue for damages. Courts typically dismiss cases filed after the statute of limitations has expired, meaning you would be unable to recover compensation for your injuries and other losses.  

    What Damages Can I Recover My Claim if Approved?

    Suppose you play your cards right by hiring a lawyer in time and staying within the legal deadlines. In that case, you may recover compensation for medical expenses for treating your injuries, lost wages if you were unable to work due to the accident, and pain and suffering. 

    In addition, you may also be entitled to compensation for any property damage, such as repairs to your vehicle. In some cases, you can recover damages for emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life.

    Contact a Truck Accident Expert from America's Largest Injury Firm

    You probably have more questions about your case. Or, you're unsure whether you qualify for compensation. Worry no more; please fill out our free case evaluation form today. A truck accident expert from our team will review your case for free.

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