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Irvine Car Accident Lawyer

Did you know you could be eligible for compensation if you were injured in a car accident in Irvine, California? However, whether or not you will recover damages will depend on the strength of your case and, of course, the experience of your legal team. To get started, fill out this form to have your case reviewed by a member of our legal team at no cost to you. If your claim is valid, we'll assign a car accident attorney in Irvine to hold the other party accountable and represent you throughout the process.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Are Some Common Causes of Car Accidents in Irvine?

    Car accidents occur mostly due to reckless driving, such as speeding. Other accidents occur due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, hazardous road conditions, lack of driving experience, and mechanical failures. No matter the reason, we may be able to fight for you if the other party was negligent, causing the accident.

    How Can an Irvine Car Accident Attorney Help?

    Our attorneys will do everything to protect your rights, from investigating the accident, establishing liability, and gathering evidence to building a strong case on your behalf. Once we've established the facts and filed a claim with insurance companies, we'll represent you throughout the negotiations and even go to court if the insurance company refuses to cooperate. This ensures you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. 

    Who Can Be Liable for a Car Accident in Irvine?

    Liability can fall on various parties in such cases. It all depends on the specific circumstances of the accident. The negligent driver is usually the first person to be held liable, given that California is an at-fault state for auto accidents. 

    But that's not where it ends. Other parties that could bear some responsibility include vehicle part manufacturers (if the accident occurred due to a defective part), a government agency, an independent contractor, and employers.

    Is There a Deadline for Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit in Irvine?

    Yes, you only have two years from the date of the accident to file the lawsuit. If you miss this deadline, your case may be dismissed on the grounds of being time-barred.

    What Damages Can an Attorney Help Me Recover After a Car Accident?

    In a typical car accident claim, the injured may recover economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages cover tangible losses, such as medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and future medical costs, all incurred due to the accident.

    On the other hand, non-economic damages are intangible losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium. 

    Additionally, if the at-fault party's actions were particularly reckless or malicious and the case goes to court, your attorney might help you pursue punitive damages.

    Hire a Morgan and Morgan Car Accident Lawyer

    Any personal injury attorney can help you obtain compensation for your injuries and damages after a car accident. But it takes a skilled and well-equipped car accident attorney in Irvine to get you the kind of compensation that reflects what you truly deserve. That's where America's largest injury firm, Morgan and Morgan, comes in. 

    Contact us today. Let's discuss your case.

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