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Frozen Pipe Information

The historic snowfall in Texas brought record low temperatures and caused over 4 million residents to lose power in their households. Those fortunate enough to not lose power were exploited by electric companies, who charged massively inflated rates, damaging the financial security of thousands of families. The record low temperatures also created significant property damage with insurance companies attempting to capitalize off your vulnerable situation.

Cold weather can cause the water within the pipes of your home to freeze and crack. Once the Texas sun returned and warmer temperatures thawed the frozen water, thousands of residents experienced severe flooding in their homes. Many families were left without access to running water due to the damaged pipes and had to pay thousands of dollars to repair the damage. 

You’ve suffered through a catastrophic weather event; now it’s time to receive fair compensation for the damage you’ve sustained. The insurance company could act unethically and attempt to diminish the value of your claim to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve. This is unfair to you, as you’ve held up your end of the agreed-upon contract. If you were abandoned by an insurance company after the 2021 Texas snowstorm or another catastrophic weather event, contact Morgan & Morgan for assistance.


Morgan & Morgan

    Morgan & Morgan Can Hold the Insurance Companies Responsible

    The last thing you want to stress about after severe weather is your insurance company. Following the snowstorm, many insurance companies are experiencing a significant increase in claim submissions. This surge in financial stress could make them more likely to diminish the value of incoming claims, which negatively impacts policyholders, like you, who are rightfully trying to recover from a disastrous snowstorm.

    The financial situation of your insurance company shouldn’t dictate the amount you receive for your property damage claim. However, the negotiation proceedings can become difficult, and it’s recommended to retain an attorney you can trust to assist you in the process. With an experienced attorney, you can fight back against an unethical insurance company and pursue the full value of the compensation you deserve. Morgan & Morgan can advocate for you and your family at the negotiating table and ensure a third party won't diminish the value of your situation.

    Contact Morgan & Morgan

    At Morgan & Morgan, we understand how stressful an inclement weather situation can be. Mother nature can wreak serious destruction, but our firm can help you pursue the compensation necessary to heal from it. If the insurance company is attempting to take advantage of you after the infamous Texas snowstorm, or any other dangerous weather situation, we may be able to help.

    For over 35 years, Morgan & Morgan has fought for the People. We’ve recovered over $20 billion for our clients in cases just like yours, and we’re not done yet. With over 1,000 attorneys and an extensive network of team members, we have the resources to give your case the attention it deserves. Plus, it costs you nothing out-of-pocket and we’re only paid if we win.

    These cases are time-sensitive, so it’s important to act quickly. Complete a free, no-risk case evaluation today and see why there’s only one Morgan & Morgan.