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Philadelphia Food Poisoning

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 6 Americans suffer foodborne illness in any given year. While at-home preparation is sometimes to blame, food poisoning outbreaks regularly stem from restaurants and delis. The symptoms leave many customers fighting for their lives with physical, emotional, and financial suffering that often continues years later. Legal action can't reverse the pain, but it can deliver a much-needed sense of justice.


Morgan & Morgan

    When Negligence Is to Blame

    Restaurants, grocery stores, and other businesses that prepare, serve, or sell food hold a clear duty of care. Customers should feel confident that the food these businesses serve will not be contaminated. All too often, however, businesses fail to abide by this responsibility — and in many cases, negligence is at play.

    Several forms of irresponsibility can occur in food preparation. Some can be blamed on poor equipment maintenance, while others are the result of employee carelessness. Examples include:

    • Storing food at the wrong temperature
    • Lack of handwashing prior to touching food
    • Handling food while ill
    • Use of unclean or poorly maintained utensils or equipment
    • Use of contaminated water or raw materials

    To succeed in a food poisoning case, the victim must demonstrate that a particular food or meal prompted an adverse reaction, rather than some other meal ingested that day. Further complications can arise regarding restaurant versus product liability. The preparation process could be responsible for the victim's suffering, but in some cases, the food product itself is to blame. Both parties could potentially prove liable, especially if a restaurant knowingly served a problematic food product.

    Morgan & Morgan: A Food Poisoning Lawyer Philadelphia Respects

    Food poisoning cases are inherently complicated. That doesn't mean they're unwinnable — but you'll want a strong advocate in your corner. A strategic and proactive approach could make all the difference. Your attorney can help you gather the myriad evidence needed to prove liability. With the right representative handling your case, you can feel confident that typical roadblocks will be avoided as you take on the legal system.

    Morgan & Morgan’s respected Philadelphia attorneys are well equipped to take on the many challenges related to your food poisoning case. We understand your pain — and we're determined to do our part. We may be able to help you recover damages related to medical bills, emotional duress, lost wages, and more. You could also emerge from this process with the satisfaction of serving justice. Meanwhile, you'll send a clear message that negligence in food preparation will not be tolerated.

    If you're ready to move forward with your case, don't hesitate to contact the attorneys of Morgan & Morgan. We'd love to get you started with a free free case evaluation — reach out today to learn more.

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