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Neck, Spinal Cord and Back Injury in Jersey City

Neck, spinal cord, and back injuries are serious and can result in chronic lifelong pain, suffering, and disability. According to the World Health Organization, such injuries are usually due to preventable causes such as car accidents, slip and fall incidents, or violence.

If the reckless or negligent behavior of someone else left you with a neck, spinal cord, and back injury in Jersey City, you may be entitled to compensation depending on the severity of your injury and the level of pain, suffering, and disability you will experience in the future.

At Morgan & Morgan, our neck, spinal cord, and back injury experts will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.


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    Five Common Neck, Spinal Cord, and Back Injuries

    Preventable accidents are the leading cause of neck, spinal cord, and back injuries in Jersey City, including deep bruises, serious muscle strains, joint sprains, broken bones, slipped discs, ruptured discs, and spinal damage.

    A neck, spinal cord, and back injury in Jersey City typically manifests itself in one of the following five ways:

    • Whiplash: Whiplash is the most common neck, spinal cord, and back injury in Jersey City. It usually occurs in car accidents, especially rear-end collisions. The condition can range from mild to severe, with symptoms like dizziness, headaches, stiffness, fatigue, diminished mobility, numbness, tenderness, and blurred vision.
    • Herniated discs: Herniated, ruptured, or slipped discs vary in severity, causing dull aches to debilitating pain, muscle weakness, and tingling sensations in the back
    • Lumbar spine injuries: The back's lumbar region has five large vertebrae supported by the muscles in our lower back, abdomen, and hips. A sprain or strain can stretch and damage these muscles and ligaments, causing pain and limitation. These injuries can cause swelling, soreness, and tenderness, interfere with normal movement, and limit daily activities.
    • Thoracic spine injuries: Thoracic spine injuries are often severe and can result in lifelong nerve damage. They are usually caused by traumatic impacts. Symptoms may include stiffness, posture issues, limited motion range, muscle spasms, weakness, tingling, and pain in the legs, neck, fingers, arms, shoulders, or ribs.
    • Spinal cord injuries: One of the most catastrophic, costly, and devastating injuries a person can face is a spinal cord injury. Spinal injuries often require surgery and can have serious medical complications for the victim. Symptoms may include significant pain and partial or total paralysis.

    Morgan & Morgan: Your Trusted Advocate

    At Morgan & Morgan, we are committed to seeking justice on your behalf. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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