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Bus Accident Attorney in Washington, DC

Attorneys at Morgan and Morgan have been fighting for the rights of the injured all over America since 1988. We have represented over 500,000 families and secured over $20 billion in settlements and verdicts. If you or a loved one has been involved in a bus accident in Washington, DC, reach out to us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. An experienced Washington, DC, bus accident attorney from our team might be able to help protect your rights and secure the compensation you need and deserve.


Morgan & Morgan

    Can I File a Claim If I Was a Passenger in the Bus Accident?

    Yes, if the accident was due to the negligence or fault of the bus driver, another driver, or any other party, you have the right to pursue a personal injury claim to seek compensation for your injuries and related damages. A Morgan and Morgan bus accident attorney can help guide you through the claim process or even pursue a lawsuit if necessary.

    What Damages Can I Recover?

    If you were injured as a passenger in a bus accident, you may be eligible to recover several types of damages, including but not limited to:

    • medical expenses (past, current, and future) as long as they’re related to the accident;
    • lost income due to missed work while undergoing treatment or recovering from your injuries;
    • the pain and suffering you endured; 
    • reimbursement for damaged personal belongings; and
    • loss of consortium experienced by your family members.

    In extreme cases of negligence or intentional misconduct (and if the case goes to court), the judge or jury may award you punitive damages to punish the responsible party and deter future misconduct. 

    Statue of Limitations on Bus Accident Claims in Washington DC

    In Washington, D.C., you only have three years from the date of the accident to take legal action against the other side. If you don’t do so within this timeframe, you risk losing your right to sue even if you have a valid case. 

    That’s one of the reasons you should seek legal counsel early enough. The more time your attorney has, the better their chances of building a strong case on your behalf without worrying about strict deadlines.

    Contact Morgan and Morgan Today

    The quality of legal representation you obtain after a bus accident will most likely determine your chances of obtaining reasonable compensation for your injuries and losses. If you need a powerful injury firm that never settles for less than its clients deserve, you’ve come to the right place. Reach out today for a free case evaluation. 

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