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Truck Accident Attorney in Philadelphia

The trucking industry is a major contributor to Philadelphia’s economy. Sadly, when negligence and recklessness are involved, trucks can cause serious injuries and even deaths on our roads. And given that this industry is worth billions of dollars, insurance companies often try to lowball the accident victims to avoid paying them what they’re entitled to. This happens mostly when the injured have no legal representation or if they hire an inexperienced or ill-equipped attorney to take on the big guns in the industry. That’s where Morgan and Morgan, the nation’s largest and most powerful injury firm, comes in to help the injured recover damages incurred because of someone else’s negligence on our roads. To have your case reviewed by our team of traffic accident specialists, fill out this form today. If you have a viable claim, we may be able to represent you.


Morgan & Morgan

    Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Philadelphia?

    Liability for a truck accident can fall on various parties. Let’s explore some examples:

    • The truck driver could be held responsible if they were negligent (e.g., distracted driving or speeding).
    • The trucking company could be liable for their actions, inactions, or policies that contributed to the accident (e.g., failing to conduct proper screening for drivers)
    • The vehicle part manufacturer could bear some responsibility if they manufactured a faulty part that contributed to the accident.
    • A maintenance provider might be liable if they failed to maintain or inspect the truck that caused the accident. 
    • The shipper or loader of the cargo could be liable if they failed to secure the cargo which caused the accident. 

    That said, determining liability for a truck accident requires a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the accident. At Morgan and Morgan, our attorneys have access to powerful legal resources required to investigate such accidents and hold the liable parties accountable.

    What if the Government Owned the Truck That Caused the Accident?

    Government agencies are not immune to such lawsuits. The only difference is that you may need to follow specific protocols for filing a claim against them. Additionally, the statute of limitations on claims against a government is usually way shorter, so the sooner you contact us for a case evaluation, the better your chances of beating these deadlines.

    How Much Compensation Can I Recover After a Truck Accident?

    These cases don’t usually come with a fixed amount of compensation for the injured. Factors like the severity of injuries sustained, whether you contributed to the accident, and the uniqueness of your case will ultimately determine the compensation you may be entitled to. 

    The Trucking Company Wants To Settle the Case; Should I Accept Their Offer?

    Most of the time, when insurance companies offer to settle a claim early, they want to close the case before you hire a lawyer. That’s why we recommend contacting us about the case before accepting any settlement offer or even discussing the accident with the insurance provider. We will review the offer to establish whether it is fair and how to maximize it.  

    Hire a Morgan and Morgan Truck Accident Attorney

    At Morgan and Morgan, we work on a contingency fee basis, so there are no upfront fees involved when you hire us to represent you. Instead, we only get paid a small percentage of the settlement or verdict if you win. In short, you have nothing to lose but so much to gain in terms of financial compensation and information about your rights. Contact us today to learn more. 

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