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Building Collapse in Boston

Building collapse in Boston: these four words are enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. The thought of a towering structure crashing down is terrifying.

Unfortunately, this is a reality that has occurred in many cities, including Boston. The collapse of buildings not only leads to property damage but also has devastating consequences on human life. 

In 2021, the Surfside condo collapse in Florida (the largest non-violent building collapse in American history) reminded us all that buildings aren't always permanent. And while it's a city that's nearly 1,500 miles away, Boston has certainly not been immune to this tragedy.

Let's take a closer look at the threat of building collapse in Boston and how having the right building collapse attorney on your side can make a world of difference.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Causes a Building Collapse?

    There are several factors that can contribute to a building collapse, whether sudden or gradual. One of the most common causes of building collapses is poor construction or a failure to adhere to building codes, which can lead to structural weaknesses or defects that compromise the building's integrity.

    Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes can also cause sudden and severe damage to buildings. Similarly, extreme weather conditions like heavy snow and strong winds can weaken building structures over time, making them more susceptible to collapse.

    Another significant cause of building falls is man-made errors, such as incorrect use of heavy machinery or improper handling and storage of hazardous materials. Aging or poorly maintained buildings can also be at high risk of collapse, as normal wear and tear can weaken structures over time.

    What Are Some Common Types of Injuries Caused By Building Collapse?

    Now that you know some of the potential causes of building collapse, let's explore some potential injuries.

    These can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe trauma that can often be fatal. The type of injury often depends on the individual's proximity to the collapsed building, the force of the collapse, and the surrounding environmental conditions. 

    Some common types of injuries resulting from building collapses include:

    • Crush injuries: These injuries occur when a person becomes trapped under debris resulting from a building collapse. Crush injuries can result in significant internal injuries, such as organ damage, internal bleeding, and broken bones.
    • Traumatic brain injuries: These injuries can occur when a person's head is struck by falling debris during a building collapse. They can be fatal or lead to permanent disability.
    • Respiratory injuries: Inhaling dust, debris, and other harmful particles can cause several different types of respiratory injuries, including lung damage, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan as Your Building Collapse Lawyer in Boston

    If you or a loved one have suffered from a building collapse, you deserve a fierce ally in your corner. That's why Morgan & Morgan, America's largest personal injury law firm, is here to help.

    Here, we put our clients first. Our firm has helped over 500,000 families get the justice they deserve. When you choose Morgan & Morgan as your building collapse lawyer in Boston, you are choosing a team that is dedicated to fighting for your rights and securing your future.

    So don't wait. If you or a loved one have suffered from a building collapse in Boston, contact us today.

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