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Boston Explosion Lawyer

Has life knocked you down after you've been injured or suffered property damage from an accident? If so, looking for a top-notch explosion lawyer in Boston should be right at the top of your to-do list.

Explosions can be devastating, not just physically, but emotionally and financially as well. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, there are dozens of explosions and explosion-related fires each year, resulting in an estimated $1.54 billion in property damage and other losses.

But it's not just your belongings that can suffer from the impacts of an explosion, but yourself. With the help of an experienced explosion lawyer in Boston, you can get back on your feet—and get the compensation you deserve.

Let's take a closer look. 


Morgan & Morgan

    What is an Explosion?

    An explosion is a sudden and violent release of energy, usually but not always accompanied by heat, light, and sound. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the combustion of fuel, the reaction of chemicals, the rupture of containment vessels, the ignition of explosives, or the impact of a projectile. 

    Depending on the magnitude and duration of the explosion, it can affect a small area or a large one, and cause minor or major injuries to people, animals, and property. Some explosions are accidental, some are intentional, and some are due to natural causes, such as volcanoes.

    The most common causes of explosions are things like fires, combustible dust, defective equipment, flammable material, gas and chemical explosions, etc. Any kind of property can be involved in explosions, too, including homes, stores, garages, and schools.

    What Are Some Common Types of Injuries Due to Explosions?

    The injuries caused by explosions can range from mild to severe, temporary to permanent, physical to psychological, and visible to invisible. 

    Some common types of injuries due to explosions include:

    • Burns: The heat and flames of an explosion can burn the skin, the hair, the eyes, the respiratory tract, and the internal organs of the body. Burns can cause pain, swelling, blisters, scarring, deformity, infection, and in extreme cases, death. 
    • Blast injuries: The pressure and shock waves of an explosion can create a blast wave that can knock down or propel objects and people, causing blunt trauma, fractures, lacerations, and concussions. The blast wave can also create a vacuum that can suck in debris, dust, and toxic gasses, causing inhalation injuries, such as pulmonary contusions, pneumothorax, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). 
    • Traumatic injuries: The impact and penetration of shrapnel or flying debris can cause penetrating wounds, such as cuts, punctures, and impalements. The debris can also cause blunt trauma and crush injuries, such as fractures, amputations, and internal bleeding. 
    •  Psychological injuries: The aftermath of an explosion can also cause psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and survivor guilt. These injuries can affect the mental health, social functioning, and quality of life of the victim and the family members.

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan as Your Explosion Lawyer in Boston

    So, you've been injured in an explosion, and your life has come crashing down in front of you. It's surely a difficult and emotional time, but there's one thing you can do to help get your life back on track – hire an explosion lawyer in Boston.

    With the help of Morgan & Morgan, you'll have the expertise and knowledge of a team that's handled cases like yours before. We'll be able to help you navigate the legal system and get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

    Don't wait any longer to get the help you need. Contact us today and take the first step toward getting your life back on track.

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