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Car Wreck Law Firm in Myrtle Beach

One of the first things insurance companies will want to know is whether you've hired a car wreck law firm in Myrtle Beach to represent you in your case. They won't ask you directly, but they will find out somehow.

It's not the fact that you've hired a law firm to represent you that scares an insurance company. Rather, it is the kind of law firm you hire. This is because car wreck law firms are not built the same. Some are known to fight for the injured at the negotiating table and all the way to court, while others are usually too quick to settle because they cannot sustain such a case beyond the steps of the courthouse.

That is what makes Morgan and Morgan different from other car wreck law firms in Myrtle Beach. Because we are big and powerful, our attorneys are usually well-equipped with the resources they need to handle such cases in and out of court. Insurance companies all over the country know who we are. Importantly, they know that our attorneys never settle for less than our clients deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car wreck in this part of South Carolina, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. We might be able to help you obtain the compensation you need and deserve.


Morgan & Morgan

    Does Every Car Accident Case Require a Lawyer?

    While hiring a lawyer is beneficial to your case, it's also worth noting that not every car wreck case requires an attorney's intervention. If, for example, you did not suffer any injuries but incurred minor damage to your vehicle after the accident, chances are you may not need a lawyer to represent you. You can file a claim directly with the at-fault party's insurance carrier to cover the minor damages to your vehicle.

    What Kind Of Car Accident Cases Need a Lawyer?

    A lawyer comes in handy in cases involving serious injuries, the loss of a loved one, or significant property damage. The right attorney should be able to assess these injuries and losses and come up with a list of damages you can claim.

    Can I File a Claim With Multiple Parties?

    Yes, you can, and that is why it is always advisable to hire an attorney from a powerful injury firm. Such an attorney usually has access to vast legal resources to build a strong case on your behalf and pursue compensation from every party responsible for your injuries and losses.

    How Soon Should I Contact a Lawyer After A Car Accident In Myrtle Beach?

    You should contact a lawyer as soon as possible, and that's because these cases are usually time-sensitive. If you take too long to contact an attorney, the other party will file a motion with the court to dismiss your case on the grounds that it is time-barred. And because there's usually no way around a violated statute of limitations, the court will likely grant the motion to dismiss your case.

    Injured in a Car Wreck? Hire America's Largest Injury Firm to Fight For You

    Our car wreck attorneys may be able to represent you if you have a valid claim against the other party. But in order to establish the viability of your claim, we will need to find out what happened. Fill out this form to contact us about your case.

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