What Are Some Common Examples of Amusement Park Accidents?

5 min read time
Amusement park ride and a ferris wheel

When you go to an amusement park, you should be able to trust that you will be entertained in a safe and responsible way. Most people enjoy amusement parks for the amusing attractions, games, and thrilling rides. 
However, amusement parks can also be full of hazards and dangers. Every year, thousands of amusement park customers suffer serious injuries. 
If you have been hurt at an amusement park because of another person’s negligence or carelessness, you may be owed significant compensation. You should not have to manage the losses from an amusement park accident that another party caused.
Inadequately maintained amusement parks present numerous hazards. Because of this, there are many different examples of amusement park accidents.
Below, we will discuss some of the most common examples of amusement park accidents and explain how a personal injury attorney can help you. To file an injury claim following an amusement park accident, reach out to the firm of Morgan & Morgan.
Our accomplished legal team understands how to fight effectively for personal injury victims. Fill out the easy-to-use contact form on the Morgan & Morgan website to schedule a no-cost consultation. 
We will examine the facts of your case and help you determine your best legal options.

Common Examples of Amusement Park Accidents

Many amusement parks include rides that operate at high speeds. Some rides turn sharply, spin, and take customers to extreme heights. 
When a machine or piece of equipment malfunctions, these thrilling rides can result in tragedies. Many different factors can cause an attraction or ride to be unsafe.
One of the most common causes of amusement park accidents is owner or operator negligence. 

Negligence can take many forms, including:

  • Lack of appropriate equipment maintenance
  • Improper operation of machinery
  • Failure to inform customers of potential hazards
  • Inadequate ride operator training

These types of negligence can lead to catastrophic and life-changing injuries for customers. 

Some of the most common examples of amusement park injuries include:

  • Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Bruises, cuts, and soft tissue injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Spinal and back injuries resulting in paralysis

Because of the size, weight, and speed of the rides, many different injuries can result from amusement park accidents.

Determining Liability in Amusement Park Injury Cases

Amusement park owners and operators have a responsibility to keep their grounds, rides, and attractions safe for customers. When they fail to do so, injured customers can hold them accountable through a personal injury claim.
Although injuries at amusement parks are uncommon, they can be devastating for victims. Many examples of amusement park accidents result from games, attractions, or poorly maintained park grounds. 
Many factors determine liability in an amusement park injury case. There are two common types of liability that are applicable in most of these claims: product liability and premises liability.

Product Liability

The games, products, rides, and equipment in amusement parks should be reasonably safe. When customers attend a park, they do not expect to be in any significant danger. 
When one of the products at an amusement park causes an accident or injury, the victim can pursue a legal claim. This type of personal injury case falls into the category of product liability.
Amusement park owners and operators can be held accountable in certain product liability cases. Also, product manufacturers may be liable in these cases.
If a piece of equipment or machinery was properly maintained, an accident can still result from faulty elements. When a ride’s component parts contain a manufacturing defect, customers may be in danger.
In these cases, any negligent parties in the chain of distribution can be held accountable.

Premises Liability

Not every amusement park accident occurs as the result of rides, attractions, or games. Some injuries occur while customers are walking on the park grounds.
These instances fall into the category of premises liability cases.
If the amusement park contains potential hazards that are unmarked, accidents and injuries become more likely. Consider the following example.
Suppose that you are visiting an amusement park and are walking on a designated path. There is a loose electrical cable that causes you to trip and fall, resulting in a broken bone. 
The amusement park operator’s negligence caused you to sustain an injury. This could be grounds for a premises liability claim.
Dangerous areas in amusement parks that lack appropriate barriers or signage can result in accidents and injuries. 
Speak with a skilled accident attorney at Morgan & Morgan to determine the nature of your personal injury claim. We will thoroughly examine the facts of your case to build the strongest injury claim possible. 

What to Do After an Amusement Park Accident

In the moments following an accident, most victims feel overwhelmed and confused. This is especially true when an accident happens in an unusual place or situation. 
It is important to take the right steps following an amusement park accident. Failing to take the right actions can make it difficult to recover the compensation that you deserve.
Some examples of amusement park accidents may seem minor. If this is the case, you might be tempted to ignore the problem. 
You should never ignore an injury that resulted from another party’s negligence. Some serious injuries do not show signs or symptoms until hours or days after the incident.
If you are involved in an amusement park accident, take the following actions as soon as possible:

  • Report the issue to a park employee or manager
  • Take pictures of your injury and the cause
  • Speak with witnesses to the accident
  • Create recordings of witness statements
  • Seek medical care at the park or by calling 911
  • Save any medical reports or notes
  • Take notes on your experience of the accident
  • Save any medical invoices, receipts, or bills
  • Record time missed at work

Finally, it is vital to speak with an accomplished personal injury attorney. The legal experts at Morgan & Morgan have a long history of successfully representing victims of amusement park accidents. 
Both premises liability and product liability cases can be very complex. Our accomplished attorneys have plenty of experience determining liability in complicated personal injury cases. 
It is important to hire a law firm with the resources to secure maximum compensation for you. You should not have to bear the costs of an amusement park injury that you did not cause.

Damages in Amusement Park Accident Cases

Monetary payments made to the victim of a personal injury are called “damages.” In most personal injury claims, there are two primary categories of damages: economic and non-economic.
If you have been injured in an amusement park accident, a knowledgeable legal professional can help you to pursue both types of damages.

Economic Damages

This type of monetary payment is awarded with the intention of making victims financially whole. Economic damages are meant to compensate for any direct monetary losses resulting from the accident or injury.
Some of the most common examples of economic damages include:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages and income from missed work
  • Costs for repairing or replacing damaged property
  • Long-term loss of earning capacity
  • And more

Any monetary losses that are caused by the accident can be recovered through economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Some types of negative outcomes from an accident do not come with a price tag. Many injury victims face long-term physical and emotional costs from their amusement park accidents. 
For example, victims may be unable to engage in hobbies and activities that they used to love. Some injury victims are unable to perform daily activities without discomfort.
Even though these losses do not directly affect the person’s financial status, they can be devastating. Victims deserve compensation for all of the negative consequences of their injuries. 
Some of the most common examples of non-economic damages include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and distress
  • Anxiety, panic, and depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disfigurement and disability
  • Embarrassment
  • Ostracization
  • And more

Sadly, some amusement park accidents are fatal. More than a fourth of fatal amusement park injuries are caused by roller coasters.
Elevated rides, including ferris wheels, cause 20% of these deaths. Water-based attractions are responsible for 15% of fatal amusement park injuries. 
When someone dies as the result of another party’s negligence, the surviving family can pursue a wrongful death claim. This type of civil claim can provide compensation for outstanding medical costs, as well as burial and funeral expenses. 
An accomplished personal injury attorney at Morgan & Morgan can help you to determine the value of your amusement park accident case. We have the knowledge and resources to build a powerful case and recover maximum compensation for you.


What Are Contingency Fees and Why Are They Important?

Most personal injury lawyers are paid through contingency fees. When you hire a legal representative, you agree to a specific percentage of the recovery from your case.
With a contingency fee payment structure, you will not pay a single dime until your attorney secures compensation for you. After the lawyer successfully wins or settles your case, that percentage of recovery is used to cover the attorneys’ fees.
At Morgan & Morgan, our compassionate lawyers know the financial challenges that people face following an injury. That is why we do not get paid unless we get money for you. 
You should never hire an attorney or firm that requires upfront payments.


Are Amusement Parks Required to Follow Certain Safety Regulations?

The answer to this question will be different depending on the location of the park. Amusement parks must adhere to state and local safety regulations.
But many states do not have any safety regulations that apply to amusement park rides and attractions. To learn more about the safety regulations in your state or area, consult with an attorney at Morgan & Morgan.


Premier Amusement Park Accident Lawyers

When you have been injured because of a negligent amusement park owner or operator, you deserve justice. The skilled team at Morgan & Morgan knows what it takes to hold negligent parties accountable. 
Our firm has recovered more than $20 billion for our clients since our founding in 1988. We boast over a million successful settlements and verdicts.
In the aftermath of a personal injury, do not hesitate. Reach out to Morgan & Morgan by completing the contact form on our website. 
We will gladly provide you with a no-cost and no-obligation legal evaluation. Let us get the money that you deserve.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

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An illustration of a broken car.