Deaths From Slips, Trips, and Falls

Millions of people die annually in the United States. It is unfortunate but understandable when those deaths are due to old age or disease. However, when someone dies due to a preventable accident, family members rightfully get angry.
Slips, trips, and falls are one type of accident that is usually preventable. Too often, these types of accidents happen because another party is negligent. And when that results in the death of one of your loved ones, you deserve compensation for the loss you have experienced.
Slip and fall lawyers at Morgan & Morgan can help you get compensation for deaths from slips, trips, and falls. If someone you love has died this way, contact us to schedule a free case evaluation.
When Deaths From Slips, Trips, and Falls Are Wrongful Deaths
Accidents are a fact of life. People die for no reason other than bad luck every day. When somebody trips over their own feet, or they are distracted by a cat walking by, it is nobody’s fault. But not every accident is a case of chance.
Many accidents occur because a third party is negligent. That party had a responsibility to create a safe space or provide a warning of danger, and they failed to do so. When somebody dies in those circumstances, family members of the deceased have a wrongful death case against the negligent party.
It is impossible to describe every situation where someone else is responsible for the death of a loved one. However, there are common situations that lead to deaths from slips, trips, and falls.
Poor Lighting
Imagine you are walking to the second floor of a parking garage. You enter the stairwell, and the lights are burned out. Even if you had a flashlight, there is a good chance you would trip while walking up or down the stairs.
If that trip results in death, this is a case of wrongful death. The owner of that parking garage is required to create a safe environment for people who are rightfully in the building. If a light is out, or even if the lighting is inadequate, that location is unsafe.
Wet Floors
You have probably seen sizable yellow floor signs that warn of a slipping danger while someone is mopping a floor. These signs aren’t placed just for goodwill. They protect the business or property owner from liability if you slip and fall on the wet floor.
Property owners are required to keep the floors dry so they don’t create a slipping danger. And if they willingly make the floors wet (while cleaning them, for example), they are required to provide highly visible warnings to anyone walking in the area. Failure to do so creates liability.
Similarly, if it is raining or snowing out, property owners are required to keep the entryway to their buildings dry. Because people will bring water in with them when they walk into the building, those floors need to be regularly dried.
Once again, if the owners don’t make sure this is done, and someone dies, the owners are responsible for that wrongful death.
When floors or stairs are in disrepair, there is a danger that somebody will trip and fall. For example, if a stairwell has a broken railing, a person might fall because they rightfully expect the railing to support them while using the stairs, but it doesn’t.
As a rule of thumb, property owners should repair any portion of the property that could threaten visitors. And if repair work must be delayed, that portion of the property should be made unavailable for use while it presents a danger.
While property owners can’t always know when portions of the property have fallen into disrepair, they should be proactively inspecting their property and repairing things before they fail. If they always wait until things have broken to act, they are likely being negligent.
Lack of Warning Signs
Sometimes portions of a property are dangerous, not because they are in disrepair, but because the design of the property is dangerous. This is unfortunate but unavoidable at times. That doesn’t relieve the property owner of responsibility, though.
If, for example, a property has a steep flight of stairs that could lead to falls, the owner has the responsibility to warn anyone using those stairs. Similar signs should be placed near any other locations that a reasonable person would recognize as dangerous.
How Can a Slip and Fall Lawyer Help You After the Wrongful Death of a Loved One?
Sadly, there is nothing anyone can do to bring back a loved one after they have died due to a fall. We can, however, help you get the financial compensation that will help you recover from the permanent loss of a husband, wife, child, parent, or sibling.
If a loved one has died from a fall, the first thing you need to know is whether you have a legitimate claim. A slip and fall lawyer from Morgan and Morgan will determine the validity of your case during a free case evaluation. If we determine that you do have a strong case, we will present your options for moving forward.
Typically, if you choose to move forward with your case, an attorney will investigate the accident thoroughly to collect evidence that proves another party was responsible. This evidence often involves taking pictures, speaking with witnesses, and getting a coroner’s report. The sooner we do this after the death, the better the evidence we can collect.
Once we have enough evidence to prove your case, we will start legal action for a wrongful death claim against the responsible party. At this point, there are usually two ways this will proceed.
If the liable party accepts responsibility or believes you will easily win in court, they will likely come to the negotiating table. Slip and fall lawyers from Morgan & Morgan have decades of experience negotiating for equitable settlements. Our goal is to get you the maximum possible compensation for:
- Medical expenses
- Funeral costs
- A lifetime of lost income
- Lost companionship
- Psychological suffering and grief
- Any other expenses arising from the death of your loved one
Typically, these negotiations will include the insurance company of the responsible party because it will be footing the bill.
However, if the other party decides to fight, we will have to go to court to get you the compensation you deserve. Thankfully, our attorneys have tons of trial experience and have won billions of dollars for clients since our law firm was formed.
How to Avoid Mistakes People Make After a Slip, Trip, or Fall Death in the Family?
While you deserve compensation for the death of a loved one, you may not get the money you deserve if you aren’t careful. If you say or do the wrong thing, an insurance company might refuse to give you money, or a jury might not find it in your favor.
Avoiding these mistakes is hard for anyone who doesn’t understand the legal system and is even harder when you are grieving. As difficult as it is to think of anything but your loss, you should take care of what you do and say.
Don’t Share Details About the Death of Your Loved One
As much as others will want to know how your loved one died, you should avoid talking about the death except to let people know that it happened. Any details you share could potentially be used to limit the culpability of the other party. In particular, you want to avoid sharing any information on social media where it could become public.
Consult With a Slip and Fall Lawyer as Soon as Possible
The last thing you want to do after the death of a loved one is speak to a stranger about it. Despite this, the sooner you are represented by a Morgan and Morgan attorney, the better we can help you. We will make the initial consultation as painless as possible and help you recover in any way we can.
Don’t Accept Any Money Without the Approval of a Slip and Fall Lawyer
Often, when a business is responsible for the wrongful death of somebody, it will try to offer a pittance to the family to make any claims go away. Unfortunately, if you accept any money, you may be forfeiting your chance to receive additional compensation in the future. Let your lawyer decide whether you should accept any offers you receive.
How Much Compensation Can I Get for the Death of a Loved One?
The amount of compensation you receive will depend on the circumstances of the death and how significantly the loss affects your life. For example, if the loved one is the breadwinner for your family, you might get a few million dollars to make up for the lost income the loved one would have earned during their lifetime.
Is a Nursing Home Liable if an Elderly Relative Slips and Dies Under Its Care?
Nursing homes are supposed to provide residents with assistance for daily activities like bathing and moving about. If the staff at a nursing home was negligent and didn’t provide needed assistance, the nursing home may be liable for the death of your loved one.
This liability is even true if the average person would not slip in that situation. The assistance that more able-bodied individuals don’t require is still part of the job of a nursing home. If they didn’t provide that assistance, the nursing home becomes responsible for any harm the resident suffered.
Can Morgan & Morgan Help With Non-Fatal Slips, Trips, and Falls?
If you or a loved one was injured in a fall due to the negligence of another, you are eligible for compensation, even if the injury didn’t result in death. Our slip and fall lawyers can help you quickly get the money you need for your recovery.
A Law Firm That Has Been Helping Families Recover Money for Decades
Our law firm has been dedicated to helping families return to a sense of normalcy after the death of a loved one since 1988. We know how difficult it can be to recover after death and that the grieving never ends. And we are dedicated to removing all financial stress so that you can focus on more important matters.
If a loved one has died in a slip, trip, or fall, you may be eligible for compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit.
Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation and discover whether you are owed money.
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