Morgan & Morgan Investigates Independent Living Systems Data Breach

3 min read time
Morgan & Morgan is Investigating the Independent Living Systems (ILS) Data Breach Announced on or Around March 14, 2023

Morgan & Morgan’s industry leading data privacy attorneys are investigating Independent Living Systems (“ILS”) regarding its recent data breach (which may be referred to as a “data event” or “data security incident”). ILS data breach involved sensitive personally identifiable information that may have been exposed to an unauthorized individual.

We are investigating, among other things, the following:

  • how ILS acquired the sensitive information;
  • whether ILS should have had the sensitive information;
  • whether and, if so, why ILS stored this sensitive information in an Internet-accessible environment;
  • whether ILS encrypted the sensitive information; 
  • whether ILS deleted sensitive information it no longer had a reasonable need to retain; 
  • whether ILS implemented appropriate and adequate security measures to protect the sensitive information; and
  • whether ILS has provided affected individuals adequate protection and compensation for any harms they have experienced as a result of the data breach.

ILS’s website states that it offers a comprehensive range of turnkey payer services including clinical and third-party administrative services to managed care organizations and providers that serve high-cost, complex member populations in the Medicare, Medicaid and Dual-Eligible Market.  On or around March 14, 2023, ILS reported that it experienced a data breach in which information stored on its systems was acquired by an unauthorized individual. The breach reportedly happened between June 30 and July 5, 2022, and the information accessed included name, address, date of birth, driver’s license, state identification, Social Security number, financial account information, medical record number, Medicare or Medicaid identification, CIN#, mental or physical treatment/condition information, food delivery information, diagnosis code or diagnosis information, admission/discharge date, prescription information, billing/claims information, patient name, and health insurance information.. In March 2023, ILS sent out data breach notification letters to those who were impacted by the breach.  

If you received a data breach notification and would like to discuss with an attorney, we are available at 888.696.0024 or take our free QUIZ to see if you have a case. 

We place a significant amount of trust in the companies we choose to share our information with, making the data breach all the more unacceptable. If you suspect that your information was exposed in the ILS data breach, Morgan & Morgan is here to help.

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