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Birth Injury Lawyer in Raleigh

As a parent, the last thing you may anticipate during the birth process is a serious personal injury to your newborn. Regrettably, we've seen countless cases where negligent healthcare providers have harmed both the child and the mother. Hiring a Raleigh birth injury attorney from Morgan and Morgan is the best way to safeguard your rights. 

Suppose you suspect you have a birth injury claim; please contact us today for a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation. If we determine that you might be owed compensation, a skilled birth injury lawyer from our army of over 1,000 attorneys might be able to represent you in and out of court.


Morgan & Morgan

    The Hospital Says I Am to Blame for the Birth Injury. Should I Trust Them?

    You shouldn’t automatically trust the hospital's claim that you are to blame for the injury. One thing you need to know is that once you walk in through those doors, the hospital staff and management owe you a duty of care. If they breach this duty, then you may be able to take legal action against them.
    Note that hospitals will do everything possible to avoid liability. That’s why we recommend having your case reviewed by a birth injury specialist from our team no matter what the hospital says. They will independently assess the circumstances and determine the actual causes of the injury.

    The Other Party Wants To Offer a Quick Settlement. Should I Accept It?

    Accepting a quick settlement without consulting a birth injury specialist could harm your case. Quick settlements may not adequately cover the long-term costs associated with a birth injury. A birth injury lawyer can help assess the offer's fairness and determine if it truly meets your child's needs over time after the injury.

    I’ve Been Asked To Provide a Recorded Statement. Should I?

    Don’t attempt to provide a recorded statement without legal advice. That’s because the other party, including insurance companies may use recorded statements to minimize liability or even blame you for the injury. If asked to provide any statement, you should consult a birth injury expert from our team for a free case review.

    Why Should an Insurance Company Refuse To Settle a Valid Claim?

    Insurance companies may refuse to settle a valid claim for various reasons, such as minimizing payouts to protect their profits. Other times, they may have valid reasons to deny claims, such as the claimant’s failure to follow the proper legal process or observe crucial deadlines.

    How Much Will It Cost To Hire an Attorney?

    Our birth injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. What this means is that you shouldn’t worry about upfront payments. The only time we’ll get paid is if we win the case and recover damages. If we don’t win, you won’t owe us anything.

    Get Your No-Cost Case Review

    The journey to obtaining the much-deserved compensation starts right here with a free case evaluation. That way, we’ll be able to tell if you have a valid case and how best to fight for you. Contact us today to get started. 

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