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Hawaii Hurricane Insurance Cost

Hawaii is known for many things, its flavorful cuisine, top-tier surfing, and postcard-worthy beaches among them. However, there are times when life is less than idyllic in the island state. That’s because, every once in a while, a hurricane sweeps through that causes significant damage.

As a Hawaii resident, it’s important that you purchase insurance coverage to protect yourself against financial loss in the event of a storm. We take a look at which policies are necessary and how much they might cost you.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Coverage Do I Need?

    Generally, hurricanes pose two major problems for homeowners: damage from wind and water. In most hurricane-prone states, a homeowners insurance policy – which covers wind damage – coupled with flood insurance is all that’s needed to protect against these threats. 

    In Hawaii, however, homeowners insurance policies generally do not cover hurricane damage. That means you’ll likely need two policies: a hurricane insurance policy and a flood insurance policy.

    How Much Does Hurricane Insurance Cost In Hawaii?

    It’s difficult to estimate how much it will cost to protect your home from hurricane damage. For one, every insurance carrier sets its own rates. For another, homes are valued differently depending on size, age, location, and other factors. On top of that, you have multiple policies to account for, each of which can vary in cost.

    Generally, the cost of your hurricane insurance premium will depend largely on the construction type of the dwelling. However, homeowners who take precautions to mitigate damage – such as installing roof clips – sometimes receive discounts.

    The cost of your flood insurance policy will likewise depend on various factors such as the type of coverage (federal or private), the age of your home, and its location. According to Bankrate, the average policy in Hawaii costs $684 per year in premiums.

    Lenders generally require that you purchase hurricane insurance. Depending on where you live, they might also require that you purchase flood coverage.

    It’s also important to note that, in Hawaii, insurance companies can charge a deductible for hurricane damage. That deductible typically ranges from 1% to 5% of the home’s insured value.

    How Can a Hurricane Lawyer Help?

    It’s not always easy to recover damages from the insurance company following a hurricane. That’s because insurance companies are motivated by profits, and therefore will likely do all they can to minimize your payment. Even if you do everything right, you might encounter problems if they:

    • Delay processing or paying your claim
    • Only pay your claim in part
    • Make an inadequate offer that fails to address all of the damages sustained
    • Argue in bad faith that certain damages are not covered under your policy
    • Ask that you sign a written release of supplemental claims before paying you
    • Attempt to convince you that you don’t need an attorney or that an inadequate offer is a best-case scenario for you

    If you encounter any of these tactics, it’s important that you contact a hurricane lawyer who can handle the insurance company and accurately value your claim. Morgan & Morgan’s Hawaii attorneys are ready to fight for full compensation on your behalf.

    Contact Morgan & Morgan Today

    If the insurance company has undervalued or rejected your claim, contact Morgan & Morgan. We have the resources and know-how to hold them accountable, and may be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

    Schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Hiring us is free, and we get paid only if you win, so contact us today.

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