What to Do After a Car Accident | Attorney Jonathan Brozyna


No one expects to be involved in a car crash, but the average person will be involved in three crashes over the course of their life. The injuries and damages you can sustain from a single car crash can affect you the rest of your life. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do after a crash.

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My name is attorney Jonathan Brozyna, and I'm going to talk to you about what to do after a car crash. No one expects to be involved in a car crash, but the average person will be involved in three car crashes over the course of their lifetime. There are over 37,000 car crashes a day in the US. The injuries and damage that you can sustain from a single car crash can affect you for the rest of your life. That's why it's so important to know what to do after a crash. Here's some important things to remember, immediately call the police. A police officer will come to the scene, conduct an investigation, and prepare an accident report. Now, while the accident report is not admissible in a civil trial, it can help you quickly resolve property damage disputes and help you resolve your injury claims with the insurance company. People's stories change after they speak with their insurance company, don't become a victim of a he said, she said liability dispute. Call the police so they can record the facts. If you're capable, without risking injury to yourself or others, take pictures of all the vehicles, road obstructions, and skid marks and road debris before the vehicles have moved from the scene of the accident. These photographs can be critical evidence in a skewed liability case. You should also take pictures of the property damage to all vehicles involved. Get the names and phone numbers of witnesses to the accident. Sometimes people change their stories after speaking to their insurance company or a lawyer hired by the insurance company, eye witnesses to the accident can make a huge difference in your personal injury case when liability becomes disputed. Seek medical treatment as soon as you can, a delay in seeking treatment will allow the insurance company to argue, you couldn't have been that hurt if you didn't seek immediate treatment. Don't give a recorded statement to the other driver's insurance company, it will only be used against you in the future. You may have to speak to your own insurance company about your injuries, but don't give a statement until you've spoken to a lawyer and know your rights. Finally, never accept a check with a release attached without first talking to a qualified personal injury lawyer. You may jeopardize your ability to file suit against the person who hit you, and you could also void your own insurance coverage. To learn your rights after a car crash call Pound Law, or visit forthepeople.com.