Handling Insurance Claims After a Car Accident | Jonathan Brozyna


After a car or motorcycle crash, you may have a lot of questions about how to handle the insurance companies. Even more daunting is trying to understand your coverage and insurance policy. Attorney Jonathan Brozyna shares some important tips to remember after a car accident.

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0:02 My name is attorney Jonathan Brozyna, and today I'm going to talk to you about 0:05 how to handle insurance claims. After a car or motorcycle crash, we have a lot of 0:09 questions about how to handle the insurance companies . Even more daunting 0:13 is trying to understand your coverage and insurance policy. Here are some 0:17 important things to remember after a car accident: Never give a statement to the 0:21 other driver's insurance company. It will only be used against you down the road. 0:25 Never sign a release or accept a check from an insurance company without first 0:29 speaking to a lawyer. You may be giving up your right to sue and voiding your 0:33 own insurance coverage. Do not speak to your own insurance company until after 0:38 you've consulted with an attorney and know your rights. 0:40 Make sure you see a doctor within the first 14 days of the crash or you could 0:44 lose up to $10,000 in medical and lost wage benefits provided by your own 0:48 insurance policy. Keep receipts of all expenses you incur after a crash, as the 0:53 insurance company will deny any undocumented claims. 0:56 These include receipts from over-the-counter medications or from 0:59 renting a car while yours is in the shop. If you're not sure if a transaction is 1:03 relevant, keep the receipt just in case. Insurance companies are hoping you will 1:08 make mistake which will save them money and prevent you from obtaining justice. 1:12 Don't fall victim to their tricks. Call Morgan & Morgan and let our army of 1:16 attorneys fight for you. Morgan & Morgan: ForThePeople.com