We’ve Come a Long Way | Ultima Morgan on International Women’s Day


In recognition of International Women’s Day, Attorney Ultima Morgan looks back at the start of her career and how much things have changed for women in law nearly 40 years later. Morgan & Morgan is proud to be a part of that change. From the clients we represent to the people we hire, and our firm is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. #forthepeople

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There's a saying, "You've come a long way, baby. When I first started my career in law, there were only 3 women lawyers in the big firm that I went o work for. I'm Ultima Morgan of Morgan & Morgan. 36 years later, things sure have changed and we're proud to be a part of that change. Today our firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion extends not to just the representation of our clients, but to those who work with us as well. Talking the talk means walking the walk. Morgan & Morgan. For all the people.