David's Story: Justice with Morgan & Morgan

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Well, we own a home that was built in the '50s, and we've had some issues with the plumbing for years now. And we really didn't know what was going on, what the deal was. And then I saw the advertisement on TV for Morgan and Morgan, and we called, and they were able to come through. The plumbers, the inspectors came out, they put the camera down, very noninvasive through the top of the house. And they saw our plumbing. And once I saw the way the plumbing looked, it was a no-brainer. It had to be fixed. For years, I mean, we've had sewage backup coming back up through. We've had a plumber that's, I think, I've put his kids to college. Probably called him at least 15 times over eight years, seven, eight years. It's been going on for a while. We've been there for 12 years. We had no idea. I mean, we're actually getting educated, and the publics' getting educated by this too because I think a lot of people are dealing with this, and they probably don't know it. I love Morgan and Morgan, and I would not only recommend them to my family and friends, but I would tell anybody that I meet, that if they need a lawyer, they need some advice on this issue for cast-iron plumbing, or any legal advice to feel free to call Morgan and Morgan. I thought they were just a bunch of other big attorneys, and now I think of Morgan and Morgan like an extension of my family.