Personal Injury Lawyers in Cincinnati
21 E State Street, Suite 200Columbus, OH 43215
- The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.
- America's Largest Injury Law Firm
- Protecting Families Since 1988
- 25 Billion+ Won
- 1,000+ Lawyers Nationwide
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Need Help? Morgan & Morgan’s Personal Injury Lawyers in Cincinnati Are Ready To Fight for You.
Cincinnati is a popular city for both residents and tourists and is located on the beautiful Ohio River. It is home to the Cincinnati Museum center, the Finsley Market, and the Cincinnati Zoo. The Cincinnati Art Museum is home to works that cross over 6,000 years of art history. The area has claimed fame in Cincinnati Chili, which has recipes featured in restaurants throughout the region.
Surely, as far too many residents and visitors to the area have learned, the popularity of this area can increase the likelihood that you may end up hurt in an accident. In fact, a five-mile stretch of Interstate 75 near Cincinnati is one of the deadliest roads in all of Ohio. That's according to research from Money Geek, a company that analyzed three years of NHTS data on fatal accidents. The study found that a portion of Interstate 75 had some of the highest numbers of fatal accidents per five mile stretch of roadway across the entire state. Overall, Hamilton County was found as the third deadliest county for drivers as well. It is the third biggest in the state.
Living in or visiting Cincinnati can be a great experience until you end up hurt in a serious accident caused by someone else. If this has already happened to you, time is of the essence. You need a committed Ohio personal injury attorney to manage your case.
If and when you are hurt in an accident on Cincinnati's roads, you may need the support of an experienced personal injury attorney to help you with your legal case. As many victims have found out, hiring a knowledgeable Cincinnati personal injury attorney may be the only way for you to get full and fair compensation for your injuries.
The law firm of Morgan & Morgan is the nation's biggest personal injury law firm. And our Cincinnati office is dedicated to helping people who are hurt in preventable or reckless accidents in the area. Being able to reach out to an experienced attorney can make a world of difference for a personal injury victim whose life may have been forever turned upside down as a result of the accident. Whether you're a sports fan coming into town to watch the Reds or the Bengals or someone traveling to the area for business, it is important to retain an experienced personal injury attorney in Cincinnati to represent you if someone else caused an accident that left you reeling with the consequences.
With Morgan & Morgan, we know what it takes to bring these cases to settlement. We take each case seriously and create a unique strategy for sharing your story. If we don’t win? The fee is free. We’re that confident in using our resources and experience on your behalf.
Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.
Should I Handle My Case on My Own?
You may be tempted to handle the basics of your personal injury claim on your own, but this could be a big mistake. You could find yourself making pitfalls early on in the case, such as signing a settlement offer that is far too low for the lifetime value of your injuries. Many people who receive a diagnosis do not appropriately calculate their future medical expenses. Signing a settlement offer means you give up the right to recover any future compensation for this legal claim. So you need to feel confident you have made the right decision.
If you were involved in a serious accident in Cincinnati, you are likely feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed next. You are worried about the possibility of going to trial, but you also want to make sure that all of your legal rights have been protected. For all accident victims, these feelings are extremely common. You deserve to work with a Cincinnati personal injury attorney who knows the lay of the land and who will do everything possible to protect your best interests. When you remain focused on your medical care, your Cincinnati personal injury attorneys will work hard on the legal aspects of your case, keeping you up to date so that you can make informed decisions as needed.
At Morgan & Morgan, our law firm has a strong track record in Cincinnati—and in all of our other office locations across the country—for taking victims rights seriously. In fact, nationwide, we have recovered over $25 billion on behalf of our clients who were hurt in preventable accidents. If this describes the experience for you or someone else in your family, you need to act quickly to protect your legal right to recover compensation. Ohio has a statute of limitations, much like all other states, which means there is a cap on the time period in which you can file a personal injury lawsuit. If you fail to file a lawsuit within this timeline, you will be unable to recover compensation. And any case filed by you will be dismissed. Two years is the standard time limit for Ohio personal injury lawsuits. This might initially seem like a long time, but it is easy for this time period to go by very quickly. You will be consumed with getting your necessary medical care, so it is also important to retain a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer to represent your best interests.
One of the first things that your personal injury attorney will do is evaluate every kind of damage type that you could be entitled to. They'll discuss how the specifics of your certain accident apply to the legal process and can communicate with the insurance company or any other stakeholders on your behalf. Your lawyer will also craft a compelling legal strategy to share your side of the story and to protect your rights in filing a legal claim. Our lawyers have extensive experience in figuring out the appropriate strategies and tactics used to recover maximum compensation for victims. And finally, your Cincinnati personal injury attorney will handle the vast majority of legal proceedings in your case, giving you the necessary time to recover and de-stress. We know that it can be very hard to go through these kinds of situations, but we work as hard as possible to keep things as stress-free for you as possible.
What Will a Lawyer Do?
Your attorney takes over the legal aspects of your case when they get involved in your case. This includes talking with the insurance company and making sure they are held accountable for moving the claim forward. This also reduces the chances of you being taken advantage of by the insurance company if they refuse to communicate with you. But this is only one aspect of what a dedicated Cincinnati injury lawyer does on your behalf. Some other things a lawyer can assist with include:
- Gathering evidence from the scene of the accident
- Helping you organize your medical records
- Calculating potential damages for future expenses in your claim
- Preparing your case for trial
- Finding expert witnesses
- Completing accident reconstruction to tell the story of how the accident happened
There is nothing to lose to take advantage of an initial consultation, where you can learn more about the typical trajectory of an injury case and get insight on what you need to move forward with a claim. We have a hard-earned reputation as a top personal injury firm in Ohio and nationwide, and we believe in advocating on behalf of our clients.
When Should I Speak With a Lawyer?
It’s recommended that you speak with an injury attorney as soon as possible after you’ve been hurt. You can take some time to research personal injury firms in Ohio following your Cincinnati accident, but at the end of the day, you should schedule an initial consultation with a firm that has a solid track record for representing victim rights.
During this initial meeting, you’ll talk about what happened in the accident and how your life has been changed because of it. You’ll ask questions, answer some questions from the lawyer, and discuss what it would look like to work together. You can leave this meeting with your notes to review later before making a decision, or you might decide you want to work with this legal team immediately. If that’s the case, your lawyer can file suit as soon as necessary. Your lawyer will be mindful of all deadlines, including the Ohio statute of limitations, to make sure that your paperwork is submitted in a timely manner.
Do not wait to speak with an attorney since there is so much at stake for your life with an injury claim.
How Long Will My Case Take?
There is no one timeline for a personal injury case in Ohio. Most cases will resolve out of court in a settlement offer, but your lawyer will still prepare your case in case trial is the only option for resolution. In simpler cases, involving a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer can signal to the insurance company that you’re serious about fighting for fair compensation and could move up the timeline for case resolution. In some of those cases, resolution can be achieved through settlement in a matter of months.
However, no two cases are the same, and many people who reach out to our Ohio personal injury law firm have complex cases.
How Do I Know I Have Legal Grounds for a Case?
There are many different kinds of lawsuits that can apply to personal injury suits. Legal grounds require that you show that someone else had a duty of care to you and that, in breaching it, left you to suffer the outcome. While many people think of car accidents as the most common type of personal injury suit, this is not the only example. If you were entitled a duty of care and someone violated this, consulting with a personal injury lawyer in Cincinnati can help you open a lawsuit.
In some cases, showing negligence is easier than others. For example, if the other driver in a crash was under the influence of alcohol, it’s much easier to argue that this person was negligent when they caused the accident.
However, as our Cincinnati personal injury firm lawyers know, it’s not always easy to tell that story. It’s why we leverage our resources to gather as much information as possible about how the accident happened. Sometimes it’s eyewitness testimony from someone that can turn the tide in your favor or sometimes it’s going back to the scene of the accident to evaluate evidence like tire marks. All of these factors can help to show how someone else was negligent or reckless, ultimately protecting the best interests of the client.
What if the Other Person Claims I’m Responsible?
Knowing Ohio’s personal injury laws is very important for opening your claim and protecting your interests. One such aspect of this is the comparative fault law, which not every state follows. Ohio does follow a comparative fault principle and this is a common tactic used by the other side when a victim files suit.
The concept of comparative fault means that if it is determined that you’re partly responsible for an accident, your damage award is reduced in accordance with your percentage of fault. So if you were awarded $100,000 but the court found you 20% at fault for causing the accident, you would only be entitled to recover a max of $80,000. Showing that you were not at fault is extremely important for protecting your best chance at the full recovery of damages you deserve, and our personal injury firm attorneys are very experienced in gathering this information.
If you are found to be more than 50% at fault for the accident, you are unable to recover any compensation, so our lawyers are very familiar with this tactic being used as a way to deflect full damage recovery. It’s why we start with crafting strategies that tell the full story of how the accident really happened.
Let Morgan & Morgan Fight for You
You need the support of a law firm that is committed to victim rights and won’t be bullied by the other side. With Morgan & Morgan, our track record, resources, reputation, and reliability are all you need to feel supported through this difficult process.
If you’re prepared to take your first step toward getting the compensation you rightfully deserve, contact us today to receive a free, no-obligation case evaluation and get started to get justice.
¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español?
Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!
How it works
It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free®. Only pay if we win.
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Step 1
your claimWith a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.
Step 2
We take
actionOur dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.
Step 3
We fight
for youIf we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.
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