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Client Testimonial | Pattricia

After Pattricia was badly injured in a hit-and-run accident, she turned to us for help. This is her story.

uploaded Jan 30, 2020

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The driver fled the scene and left their vehicle behind and then I turned around and found out that they stole the vehicle. I ended up going to the hospital and from there I called the attorneys.

I did get a couple consultations but, at the time, I really didn't like the way that they were telling me that there was not much they could do. And then when the Morgan & Morgan attorneys stepped up and told me, well there's something we can do, I was like well, let's give it a shot.

They would call me every week, and ask me how I was doing. They kept up with the doctors and made sure that everything was going correctly. They became a little more like a family. I was actually really excited, it was a nice relief to be able to cover all the medical expenses and be able to cover not being able to work for some time. Morgan & Morgan focused on me as an actual person and not a number in a book.