Advice for Employers and Employees | Attorney Angeli Murthy


Morgan & Morgan Newsroom: Employment Litigation Attorney Angeli Murthy talks about the advice she would give to employers and employees in the current legal environment.

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- My advice would be to, when people bring claims to treat those as valuable, to treat those as learning experiences, to treat those with respect because when employers don't treat their employees with respect, when they raise complaints, that's when they come to us. That's when you have lawsuits and people could avoid half of the problems. I shouldn't say this 'cause I'm gonna put us out of work. People could avoid, actually, probably most of the problems that they have with their employees just by treating their employees with more respect and giving them more dignity because when people come to us, that's often what they're looking to be restored to them and what they feel that they've lost through how their employer's treated them.