The Validation He Needed – Lafayette's Morgan & Morgan Story

In 1987, Lafayette embarked on a journey of service, enlisting in the Marine Corps. Over the next 12 years, he dedicated himself to the Armed Forces, encountering trials and challenges that would shape his life forever. Among them, his service in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm left him grappling with the invisible wounds of war: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The echoes of his service reverberated through the years, manifesting in the memory of a scud missile bursting over his compound during a joint operation at Eglin Air Force Base. The trauma lingered, quietly gnawing at Lafayette's peace of mind until a conversation with a fellow veteran shed light on a path to healing.
Despite his struggles, Lafayette's pursuit of help from the Veterans Affairs (VA) system hit repeated roadblocks. Denials stacked up, leaving him disheartened and questioning the system's commitment to those it was meant to serve. Frustration brewed as he confronted the stark reality: the institution he once served seemed to fail in addressing his mental anguish.
It was in this moment that Lafayette turned to Morgan & Morgan for not just financial compensation but validation of his pain and acknowledgment of his sacrifices.
With expertise and dedication, Morgan & Morgan helped Lafayette navigate the complex terrain of VA claims and appeals, relentlessly championing Lafayette's cause until justice prevailed.
For Lafayette, the impact of Morgan & Morgan's intervention transformed Lafayette’s disability rating rom a meager 20% to an accurate 80%.
“I'm really grateful that Morgan & Morgan was there to help me because these guys did what I couldn't do on my own,” recalls Lafayette. “You know, I tried 3 times, and they were able to successfully come to my aid.”
In Lafayette's journey from despair to refound hope, Morgan & Morgan emerged as the allies he could depend on.
“You hear the phrase Morgan & Morgan say 'For The People.' They are for the people, they were there for me.”
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.