Rebuilding a Dream – Betty

Rebuilding a Dream – Betty

“It just looked like a war zone, like a bomb had went off or something. It was where I grew up.”

These words were all Betty could conjure to describe the heartbreak she felt when discovering her former home’s condition after a hurricane. Betty found herself returning to what was once the heart of her world—a place where childhood memories and family roots intertwined. But what she encountered was a scene of devastation, a stark contrast to the happy haven she had known.


The damage was extensive—siding ripped off, the structure weakened, and the essence of her family's legacy hanging by a thread. Faced with this grim reality, Betty turned to her insurance company for assistance, hoping for the support she needed to rebuild. However, more disappointment was ahead. 

A meager check of $1,600 arrived, an insulting figure far from the true replacement cost. 

“It was just kind of a slap in the face,” Betty recalls.

Determined to explore her options, Betty reached out to Morgan & Morgan, inspired by their television commercials and the hope that perhaps justice could prevail against insurance giants. 

"I didn't think you could sue your insurance company. I thought you just had to take whatever they gave you. So I called, and they said they would take care of everything," Betty shares.

Her attorney at Morgan & Morgan recognized the gravity of Betty's situation and dispatched structural engineers to assess the damage thoroughly. Armed with a compelling case and a resolute stance, they pursued the compensation Betty rightfully deserved. 

"[My attorney] had a number, and that magic number was it. She told me she's ready to go to court if we don't get that," Betty recounts.

In a triumphant turn of events, Betsy secured more than just financial compensation—she reclaimed her home and her sense of justice.