Hurricane Sally Slams the Southeast

5 min read time
Hurricane Sally

Hurricane Sally made more than a splash when it hit land over Alabama on Wednesday morning. After moving through Florida and being downgraded from a Category 2 hurricane to a tropical depression, remnants of the weather event are still raining down on Georgia and the Carolinas.

Flash floods have caused massive destruction throughout the southeastern states, especially in the coastal parts of Alabama and Florida. According to CNN, Pensacola saw four months’ worth of rain – over 30 inches – in just four hours. Sources say winds reached as high as 105 mph when the hurricane made landfall. In addition to widespread damage, there has been at least one death.

If you’ve been impacted by Hurricane Sally, don’t hesitate to contact Morgan & Morgan. We fight For The People, and we have a proven track record of success. Fill out a free, no-obligation case evaluation form to see how we can help.

What to Do After a Hurricane

It helps to be ready for a hurricane, but no amount of preparation guarantees you’ll make it through unscathed. If Hurricane Sally passed through your backyard, here are some steps you can take once you’re safe:

  • Take pictures of everything. Photograph your whole house and yard, each side of the house, the inside, and any property that was damaged while inside the house.
  • Cover or clean up damaged property. Damaged property might not be completely totaled, so cover or relocate it to protect it from further destruction. Larger pieces of damaged property like fences and car parts should be covered so they can’t become projectiles; this is especially important if the winds aren’t over yet.
  • File an insurance claim. Hurricane Sally has wreaked havoc on homes, neighborhoods, and cities across the Southeast. If your property has been damaged, you’ll need to file an insurance claim so you can be compensated for your losses.

There’s only so much you can do to protect yourself from a hurricane, and then it’s up to the insurance companies to keep their end of the deal. If they don’t want to play fair, Morgan & Morgan can put 1,000-plus attorneys in your corner.

Settling Insurance Disputes

Those who were affected by Hurricane Sally need adequate compensation from insurance companies in order to recover, but it’s often difficult to get the full amount. These are a few of the strategies insurance companies may use to get out of paying what you deserve:

  • Denying a part of your claim or that your coverage exists at all
  • Delaying the process, adjustment, or payment
  • Undervaluing the damage to make smaller estimates, offers, and payments
  • Discouraging legal counsel by insisting that you don’t need an attorney

Don’t listen to insurance companies that tell you you don’t need an attorney; we’ll fight tirelessly to help you recover the compensation you’re owed.

You Can Count on Us

Some attorneys will settle for the last offer, but not us. Morgan & Morgan fights to get you full and fair compensation for your losses, and we’re not afraid to go to court to get it. We don’t get paid unless we win, and there are no upfront costs to hire our law firm.

If you’ve suffered property damage from Hurricane Sally, we are here for you – wherever you are, whatever you need. Fill out a free case evaluation to get started.

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An illustration of a broken car.