How to Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace

7 min read time
Caution watch your step sign

One of the best ways to avoid slips, trips, and falls at work is to pay attention to your surroundings and avoid hazards like wet floors, loose rugs, or uneven surfaces. However, severe falls can also occur due to an employer or another party’s carelessness.

It’s easy to forget a minor slip and fall. However, severe or life-changing injuries can lead to astronomical medical bills, lost wages, and other financial hardships. That’s when Morgan & Morgan can step in and help you get justice. Our experienced slip and fall lawyers can help you receive workers’ compensation benefits and assess whether you qualify for a personal injury lawsuit. Contact us now, and we will evaluate your case for free.


Where Most Serious Slips, Trips, and Falls Happen

Work-related falls can occur in many industries. However, specific jobs, such as working in the construction industry, are riskier than others. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that over a third of all deaths in construction occurred from falls. This is unsurprising given the nature of construction work, which often involves working at heights from scaffolds, ladders, or roofs. Other dangerous industries where falls are common include:

  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Education
  • Health services
  • Oil and gas extraction


Preventing Fall Injuries at Work

There is a lot of truth to the saying “prevention is better than cure.” Employers must ensure that workers don’t face unreasonable dangers at work. Avoiding slips and falls should be a priority for both employers and workers. Here are some ways that can help prevent falls in the workplace:

Workplace Safety Audits

Before implementing safety measures, auditing the workplace can be an excellent idea. An audit helps to identify hazards, such as uneven flooring or poorly lit areas and provides recommendations for a safer workplace. An audit can also help employers create a comprehensive plan to address fall hazards.

Adequate Training

Safety training can be essential in preventing slips, trips, and falls at work. Training will depend on the industry but can include topics such as:

  • Safe ladder and scaffold use
  • Correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Identifying and removing potential fall hazards.
  • What to do when a fall or emergency occurs

Safety Equipment

Workers can often prevent injuries by simply using adequate safety gear and equipment. For instance, non-slip footwear, safety harnesses, or guardrails can go a long way in preventing falls. Employers must provide workers with the appropriate equipment for their job duties and train them on correctly using safety gear.

Good Housekeeping

Good housekeeping is one of the most effective ways of reducing slips and falls in the workplace and can include:  

  • Placing warning signs in hazardous areas
  • Cleaning spills and debris on floors promptly
  • Covering cables on floors
  • Removing clutter and obstacles from walkways
  • Securing loose mats and rugs
  • Installing good lighting in work areas

Regular Maintenance

Workplace maintenance can include:

  • Repairing damaged flooring or equipment
  • Replacing worn-out non-slip surfaces
  • Ensuring good lighting

Regular maintenance helps businesses and employers identify and fix hazards before they become serious problems for workers.

Reporting Hazards

Employers should encourage workers to look for any dangers and promptly report their concerns or near-miss incidents to supervisors or managers. Empowering employees to take an active role in workplace safety helps employers identify hazards and prevent falls from occurring in the future.

Unfortunately, not all employers and companies prioritize workers’ health. Morgan & Morgan’s slip and fall lawyers could help you recover damages if you or a loved one got harmed at work.


What You Should Do After a Workplace Fall

If you experienced a slip and fall at work and suffered significant injuries, the following steps can be critical for protecting your health and legal rights.

Report the Fall Immediately

Tell your employer or supervisor as soon as possible about your fall and injury. Reporting an accident is critical for two reasons:

  1. It creates an official record of the incident, which can be essential evidence if you need to pursue legal action later on.
  2. Your employer is legally obligated to investigate and address workplace accidents. Reporting your fall can help prevent future accidents.

Document the Accident Scene

Try to document the scene of your fall as thoroughly as possible. Take pictures of the hazard causing your fall, such as a faulty ladder or wet floors. Ask witnesses for their contact details. If you need to pursue a lawsuit, witness statements can help you win your case.

See a Doctor

Even if your injuries are minor, see a doctor immediately after a workplace fall. Some injuries, such as concussions or sprains, may not be immediately apparent. A medical professional can evaluate you and provide appropriate treatment. Seeking medical help also documents your injuries on paper, which is critical for your workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit.

File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Ask your employer for the necessary workers’ comp forms to fill out. You will need to provide detailed information about your injury and accident. Once your employer files your paperwork, their insurance carrier will investigate your claim and determine whether you qualify for workers’ comp benefits.

Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer

A slip and fall lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can help you understand your legal options, negotiate with your employer or insurance company, and protect your rights. Remember that you may have only a short time to file a workers’ compensation claim or lawsuit, so it’s important to act quickly.


What Are the Common Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls at Work?

Slips and falls can have many causes. Moreover, they do not only happen in specific industries but can occur in all types of workplaces, including retail and offices. Common fall causes at work can include:

  • Dips in floors
  • Loose tiles and broken floorboards
  • Slippery surfaces
  • Snow and ice accumulations
  • Freshly waxed floors
  • Cluttered and untidy workspaces

Knowing the common hazards can help you stay safe. However, if the worst has happened and you or a family member experienced a fall at work, Morgan & Morgan has your back. Our slip and fall lawyers can help you identify your options and handle your compensation claim from beginning to end.


Can I Sue My Employer for a Slip and Fall Injury?

You could sue your employer for a fall accident in rare circumstances, such as when they acted recklessly or intentionally. However, in most cases, injured workers are limited to workers’ compensation benefits. A slip and fall lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can assess your fall accident and, depending on your circumstances, help you pursue a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit.


Which Workplace Fall Injuries Entitle Me to Compensation? 

Any workplace injuries that result in medical expenses, prevent you from working, or have a lasting impact on your life can entitle you to compensation, whether with a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Some of the most common injuries in work accidents include:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Dislocations
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Fractures
  • Back and spinal injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury

Morgan & Morgan understands that dealing with the aftermath of a work accident can feel overwhelming, especially if you suffer severe injuries. Moreover, spiraling medical expenses can cause additional distress and financial chaos. Our slip and fall lawyers want to help. We can walk you through the workers’ compensation process and identify all other avenues for pursuing what you deserve.


How Long Do I Have to File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

The deadline for filing a slip and fall lawsuit, also known as the statute of limitations, varies by state. In most instances, victims have between one and three years from the date of the fall injury to sue the responsible party. However, speaking with a slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible after your accident can be critical for protecting your rights. A qualified attorney can assess your claim and ensure it is filed within the statute of limitations and other applicable deadlines.


Can I Pursue a Slip and Fall Claim if the Accident Was Partially My Fault?

You are generally entitled to workers’ compensation if you were injured in a workplace fall. Since workers’ comp is a no-fault system, you should receive your benefits regardless of whether you were responsible for the accident.

You may also be able to file a lawsuit, depending on your case’s circumstances. However, if you were partially at fault for your fall, the damages you could recover may be reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if you were 30% responsible for the accident, you may only be able to recover 70% of your damages. Bear in mind that these laws differ from state to state. Therefore, consult a slip and fall lawyer for advice.


Which Damages Can I Recover After a Fall at Work? 

If you have suffered a slip and fall at work, you may have various avenues to recover damages. However, the specific damages you can recover will depend on the circumstances of your fall, the extent of your injuries, and the laws in your state.

Workers’ Compensation

While there are variations in state programs, workers’ comp typically covers medical expenses, some lost wages, and other related costs. You don’t need to prove that your employer was at fault to receive workers’ comp benefits, and you are normally not allowed to sue your employer in court for your injuries. Unfortunately, workers’ compensation benefits can fall short and not fully compensate victims for all losses, such as pain and suffering.

Personal Injury Lawsuit

If your employer was grossly negligent in causing your slip and fall or lacks workers’ compensation insurance cover, you may be able to sue them. With a lawsuit, you can seek damages for all of your losses, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional anguish
  • Out-of-pocket costs

Moreover, if a third party, such as a contractor or manufacturer, caused your slip and fall, you could file a lawsuit against them and receive compensation.

In addition to the possibilities mentioned, you may be entitled to disability payments or employment-related benefits, such as sick leave or vacation time. A slip and fall lawyer at Morgan & Morgan can identify all options for recovering compensation.


What if My Employer Disputes My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

A work accident can be a stressful and painful experience. However, things go from bad to worse if your employer disputes your claim and prevents you from getting the necessary benefits. Here are some reasons why employers dispute workers’ comp claims:

  • They believe the injury did not happen at work
  • They dispute the severity of the worker’s injuries
  • The employer accuses the injured employee of failing to follow company policy

Regardless of the reason for the dispute, having a tenacious slip and fall lawyer in your corner can be critical when your employer or insurer disputes your claim. An attorney at Morgan & Morgan can help you stand up to your employer and gather evidence to support your claim.


Contact Morgan & Morgan for Help With Your Workplace Fall 

While there are many ways employers can prevent falls in the workplace, not all take adequate steps to keep their workers safe. However, we believe that you should not have to worry about making ends meet when injured at work, especially if someone else is responsible for your injuries.

Obtaining the benefits you deserve can be an uphill struggle without excellent legal representation and advocacy. Morgan & Morgan is here for you. Our dedicated slip and fall lawyers want to help you get your life back on track and receive the compensation you deserve. Get started today and contact us for a free case evaluation.

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