(407) 904-6230 877 667 4265

The Anchorage Office

Personal Injury Lawyers in Anchorage

1577 C. Street, Suite 204-M
Anchorage, AK 99501

Rating Overview

five stars
based on 1,500 reviews
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Need Help? Morgan & Morgan’s Personal Injury Lawyers in Anchorage Are Ready To Fight for You.

If you’ve been injured, fired, or otherwise harmed due to no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation. To ensure that you get the payment you’re owed, you’ll need the help of a skilled lawyer.

Morgan & Morgan is proud to fight For The People, not the powerful. We don’t settle for lowball offers; we do what it takes to recover the full value of your case. Contact our Anchorage office or fill out a free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn more.

Estamos aquí en Anchorage: Vivimos y trabajamos en Anchorage. Nuestro sitio de web en Español, abogados.com, ayuda la población latina de Alaska. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.



    Why You Should Talk to a Lawyer

    The legal process can seem overwhelming at a glance. When you have a dedicated lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the law, however, the process is much less intimidating.

    We can investigate the incident and determine how much your case is really worth — not how much the insurance company wants to pay you. Then we can negotiate with the other side in order to recover full and fair compensation. If the other side doesn’t agree to a fair settlement, we will prepare the strongest possible case for trial.

    Types of Cases We Handle

    Whether you were hurt in an accident, unfairly let go from your job, or denied an insurance claim, Morgan & Morgan can help. These are some of the many practice areas we may be able to assist you with:

    Morgan & Morgan is America’s largest personal injury firm, but personal injury is just one of our specialty areas. Our attorneys specialize in specific practice areas so you get nothing but the best representation.

    Determining the Value of a Case

    Insurance companies will often try to downplay your case so they can get away with paying you less than you deserve. Fortunately, our attorneys look at the full scope of the incident to determine how much they should really pay you.

    The value of your case depends on factors such as:

    • Damages (injury, lost wages, illegal termination)
    • Short- and long-term implications (ongoing rehabilitation, prescription medications)
    • Whether or not there was malicious intent
    • Specific federal and state laws

    Getting Started with Morgan & Morgan

    You don’t become the country’s largest plaintiffs' law firm by accident. We treat our clients like family, and we fight to get them every penny they’re owed. We’ve put together a proven track record over the years, and we’re constantly adding to it.

    Morgan & Morgan has:

    • Been protecting families since 1988
    • The resources to take on the biggest bullies and win
    • More than 1,000 lawyers collaborating across the country
    • Recovered over $20 billion dollars for clients

    There is no upfront cost to hire our law firm; we don’t get paid unless we win, and you never pay out of your own pocket. Fill out a free case evaluation to find out how we can help.

    Disclaimer: Cases may be referred to and handled by another law firm as referral counsel.

    ¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español?

    Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de abogados.com. Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!