We’re Here For You | Attorney Juan R. Martinez
Whenever you need, wherever you are. We're here for you.

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Speaker 1: Even during the current pandemic you don't need to wait to make a claim. Today we are checking in with Morgan & Morgan whistleblower attorney, Juan Martinez.
Thanks for joining me today. How have you been able to adapt to the change in work life that the coronavirus has created?
Attorney Juan R. Martinez: Well frankly, the changes of corona from a professional point of view haven't really changed, for work, because we've already the infrastructure in place for a long time, as long as I've been with the firm to where we can log in remotely, speak with our peers, our conference call capabilities.
We've actually haven't really skipped a beat in that my line of work I focus on whistleblower cases. It's actually increased in the volume of our work because there's a lot of people now
that are normally busy at work that are working from home, or unfortunately, not working
and have had time to reach out to us, which has facilitated us to provide a service to them that they may not be able to reach during their normal operations because people are really, really busy.
So, we've been here since day one of this whole COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., working around the clock frankly, to serve our clients, our existing clients, and our new intake of clients. Frankly, the only thing that's changed for me is my work attire as normally I'm in a suit, but today I'm wearing a little bit more casual, working from home.
Speaker 1: Thank you Juan for remaining available to fight for anyone who may need it. In these uncertain times, the law firm you choose matters, Morgan & Morgan For The People.