Surgical Staplers: What’s the Risk? | Attorney Mike Morgan
Our attorneys are investigating claims that surgical staplers are causing serious injuries, life-changing complications, and even death.

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0:00: there are known incident rates of
0:02: failures with certain medical devices
0:04: and with medical tools that are used in
0:07: in every day surgeries it's an accepted
0:09: part of the medical community that there
0:12: will be certain products that don't work
0:14: the way they're supposed to the chance
0:17: of it a product causing an injury is
0:20: normally you know minut and the reason
0:22: it is so small is because there are
0:25: required reporting systems recently what
0:28: we've noticed is the surgical stapler
0:30: and they are used a lot within abdominal
0:33: surgeries where we're dealing with
0:35: gastric the intestines or something of
0:37: that nature and in order to close up the
0:40: procedure they've been using these
0:42: staplers it allows you to staple
0:44: everything up without having to go in
0:46: and do all the stitches and much quicker
0:47: leads to less blood loss all of that
0:50: it's good however what has recently been
0:52: discovered is that there was this secret
0:55: database where the information was
0:58: reported by the doctors that were using
1:00: it and it never made it to the sources
1:02: that are supposed to keep track of the
1:04: national data we're talking about people
1:06: that went in for a simple routine
1:08: operation and come out and have a
1:10: colostomy bag for the rest of their life
1:13: we're talking about people who have
1:14: severe internal bleeding that leads to
1:17: lifelong problems these are not just
1:19: minor cosmetic issues they were problems
1:21: that should have been completely avoided
1:23: because they were reported properly by
1:25: the doctors and then this information
1:27: was hidden from the regulator's who
1:30: would have made immediate action and the
1:32: way that we know they would have made
1:33: such immediate action is as recently the
1:35: FDA released a report that you can go
1:38: online and see talking about the dangers
1:41: and the adverse events of these staplers