Birth Injuries | Morgan & Morgan
At Morgan & Morgan, our attorneys realize that birth injuries not only have physical and emotional consequences but also place a financial strain on the child’s family. When a birth injury is caused by the negligence of a doctor or another healthcare provider, the family may be able to recover compensation for these costs through a birth injury lawsuit.
If your child was injured at birth because of your doctor's negligence, you may be able to file a birth injury claim.
Morgan & Morgan, For The People.

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Every year, almost 30,000 babies in America are born with birth injuries, such as cerebral palsy and brain damage. As a dad of two beautiful boys myself, it's every parent's worst nightmare. What you may not know is that too often medical negligence may have caused your baby's brain damage. No matter what the doctor or hospital says. That's why we believe that every child born with brain damage deserves a chance to have their file looked at by our firm for free. Our dedicated staff of nurses, medical reviewers, and attorneys are standing by to take your call. And having represented parents just like you, we work with your family to determine if and how much compensation you deserve. As America's largest injury firm, we've recovered billions for our clients. And you can even sign up with our firm from the comfort of your home. If your child was born with brain damage, please call us to receive a free birth injury lawsuit brochure and learn more about how we can help.
There's only one. Morgan and Morgan, for the people.